DATA SHARING AND TARGETING Philip Hales Head of Community Fire Safety Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service
A new community safety strategy in 2000 to get the balance between prevention and protection
Free phone Number to register for an HSA – anyone can use
The Result 70% increase in DERV £100,000
We knew where we were having fires, we needed to do more – but how?
Needed to target specific areas Rep Bodies against Cold calling (National Resolution) Trading Standards supported us
Direct Engagement
The Process
Targeting Wards on numbers of fires
Refined Targeting
Community Fire Risk Management Information System Electronic Data Capture
Older People are more likely to die in a fire Between 30 & 59 yrs average 8 fatalities per million population Over 80 yrs average 35 per million population
Vulnerable Person LIVES ALONE
Age Concern ‘Supporting You’ service Over 8000 referrals by CFRS Over £4million in Benefits for over 65’s FRS target in LAA Contact Assessments
Some benefits of Contact Assessments Increased benefits uptake Daycare Pension provision increased Telecare Blue badge parking Dial a Ride Meal delivery service Handy van (gardening) Bereavement Service Phone a friend Gardening Heating and Insulation Grant Falls Prevention Strategy
Better Regulation Commission “The Government should explore how information and data held by different Government departments and agencies can be brought together to ensure it has a complete picture of contemporary vulnerability, whilst respecting the rights of individual priority.”
Exeter Data Provided by Community Services Department, Local Authority Over 65 registered with a GP Cheshire, Halton, Warrington Information Consortium Delay and increased sensitivity as a result of HMRC and other data losses. Need to ensure adherence to Data Protection
Exeter Data 121,576 individuals Living in 83,275 premises 34,440 over 80 4,400 living in Residential Care Over 4,000 living in sheltered accommodation
Delivery of HSA against Exeter Data Fire fighters - Target Wards amended to include + 65 Outstanding by Community Safety Advocates Community Safety Advocates target specific areas Satellite Navigation used to improve efficiency Data Protection key
Domestic Violence In Cheshire through sharing data we are able to target those whom are most vulnerable from fire Multi Agency Risk Assessment Committees (MARAC) Children and Vulnerable Adults (CAVA) database. People who are referred to us have normally been subjected to domestic violence and have had fire used as a threat against them.
Domestic Abuse and MARAC Referrals MonthMARAC Referrals Domestic Abuse Referrals Jan Feb Mar
Targeted Approach puts community safety where the need is Accidental Dwelling FiresCommunity Engagement & HSA
Fire Confined to Room of Origin Key HSA message to close doors 94% dwelling fires confined to room of origin
Have we made a difference
Through our Community Safety Strategy we have seen a significant reduction in deaths and injuries from fire
Where Next? Further refinement of targeting – IMD & VLI Surgical approach – very high risk groups Post Fatal Strategy Re-inspection policy Quality and Audit
Thank you for Listening