1 Lecture 6: Guest Lecture: David Canfield Smith (by Skype) David Canfield Smith Brad Myers A/05-499A: Interaction Techniques Spring, 2014 © Brad Myers
David Canfield Smith coined the term "icons" in his landmark 1975 PhD thesis "Pygmalion: A Computer Program to Model and Stimulate Creative Thought". He was a leader of the user interface design team for the Xerox Star, which innovated many important interaction techniques which are still used today, and others which are arguably more effective than what we currently use. David was also leader in the area of Programming by Example. The picture at right shows David giving a demonstration to Brad at CHI'1995 of the KidSim system which eventually became Stagecast Creator. (Picture credit: Ben Shneiderman)Stagecast Creator(Picture credit: Ben Shneiderman) © Brad Myers 2
Pygmalion David’s thesis: QAAIAAJ QAAIAAJ A book chapter about it that is free and online: © Brad Myers 3
Star Keyboard © Brad Myers 4
Star Icons Designed by artists and user-tested in multiple rounds – Bewley paper, Salha chapter © Brad Myers 5