Lawrie Phipps
Leadership in context Changing the learning landscape Small projects based on issues identified by institutional leaders working at Pro vice-chancellor level Projects based on Research, Teaching and Learning, Administration and Business and Community Engagement Examples from the JISC Transformations and Building Capacity programmes
Leadership success factors Institution-wide Agreement Almost all of the issues had an impact outside of the remit of the leader’s remit Cross institutional teams where needed Enforcing Compliance “This is going to happen and you will support me” Taking decisions and providing a framework to enable support for the decision-making process
Leadership success factors Alignment All of the realised projects supported at least one of the Institutional Strategies Benefit and Value The projects weren’t exploratory or pilots, they all sought to demonstrate clear benefits and realise value top the Institution’s staff and students
Bradford case study Strategic aim to improve student retention and success A recurring theme across Bradford is the vision of a “web-enabled campus supported by wireless and mobile computing” Focus on enhancing the student experience through the delivery of an integrated web/mobile support system
Bradford case study Strategic aim to improve student retention and success A recurring theme across Bradford is the vision of a “web-enabled campus supported by wireless and mobile computing” Focus on enhancing the student experience through the delivery of an integrated web/mobile support system Their literature review concluded, “[other] studies have demonstrated that well designed mobile learning enables greater flexibility, accessibility and inclusivity…”
Bradford case study Getting buy in Senior managers were encouraged to vote on different solutions. A high level summary of the different options was sent with an invitation letter to the Academic Strategy and Performance Committee which includes the Deans, DVCs, PVCs and Vice Chancellor A high level of buy-in to the proposals became clear through continued contact with the project team during development; one stakeholder also piloted an open source social network (one of the options, but which came second in the vote) in their own time
Bradford case study Getting buy in Senior managers were encouraged to vote on different solutions. A high level summary of the different options was sent with an invitation letter to the Academic Strategy and Performance Committee which includes the Deans, DVCs, PVCs and Vice Chancellor A high level of buy-in to the proposals became clear through continued contact with the project team during development; Also, through using this method, option most favoured was not on the University’s strategy roadmap, and yet is likely to have a large impact in addressing University strategic goals
Modelling Change Building capacity > Transformations Using Enterprise Architecture as a tool Describes how information systems, processes, units and people work as a whole Some models are extremely complex – others less so It’s not a way of auditing, it supports decision making
Modelling Change what your organisation does the processes by which it does these things who carries out the activities what data is used, how it flows through the organisation and where it is stored what information technologies are employed and how they are used the relationships and dependencies between all of the above
Modelling Change JISC DataPool Project
Modelling Change JISC SMUDIE Project (Attendance Register Model)
Modelling Change JISC Coeducate Project
Your intervention / change project What does your current model look like? What is it? Who does it? What are the processes? Are there any technologies or data involved? Where? And what are the relationships and dependencies between them?
Lawrie Phipps JISC Organisational Development & Transformations Lawrie-Phipps © HEFCE 2012 The Higher Education Funding Council for England, on behalf of JISC, permits reuse of this presentation and its contents under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK England & Wales Licence.
Facilitating Notes 20 minutes max presentation 10 minutes discussion All time before lunch used for developing their own model. Final question to think about over lunch is: Would the model you’ve created look the same if other people in your organisation created it?