Decent work for peace, security and disaster resilience: Revision of the Employment (Transition from War to Peace) Recommendation, 1944 (No.71) International Labour Conference, 105th Session – 30 May -11 June 2016 Committee on Employment and decent work for the transition to peace (ETDTP)
Revision of Recommendation No.71 A Governing Body decision at its 320th Session of March 2014: standard setting, double discussion – ILC 2016 and Two reports prepared by the Office: White and Yellow
Recommendation No.71 and its revision Deeply rooted in ILO’s foundational and constitutional principles: “Universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice” (Preamble of the Constitution) Continued high relevance of the main intent of R.71 in the new global context of conflicts and crises Revision guided by evolving national, international and ILO experience and new approaches to crisis response 3
Principal elements underpinning the revision of R.71: 4 Changing context and responses to also include non- international armed conflicts and other situations of violence that destabilize societies and economies to address disasters Dealing with post- World War II context and challenges R.71Revision
Principal elements underpinning the revision of R.71: 5 Changing context and responses Guidance on new approaches to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment and livelihoods opportunities, including in developing country contexts with large informality, vulnerable labour markets and fragile institutions to include other elements of the Decent Work approach Guidance on the promotion of full employment and skills development to facilitate the transition from war to peace R.71Revision
Principal elements underpinning the revision of R.71: 6 Changing context and responses R.71Revision Focus on reconstruction and recovery to include prevention, preparedness and resilience
New context of international cooperation Growing international consensus on the central role of employment and job creation in responding to crises and for building peace and resilience Need for increased capacities to deal with situations that are at the crossroads of humanitarian, peacebuilding, disaster response and development Need for greater coherence and coordination among multiple actors at international, regional and local levels Need for solidarity and shared responsibilty 7
R.71 the only normative framework providing guidance for responding to crises through employment and job creation Other policy frameworks: United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration, 2009 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction , New context of international cooperation
Preamble I.Purpose and scope II.Guiding principles III.Strategic approaches IV.Rights, equality and non-discrimination V.Employment generation VI.Education, vocational training and guidance VII.Social protection VIII. Labour law, labour administration and labour market information IX.Social dialogue X.Refugees, internally displaced persons, and returnees XI.Prevention, mitigation and preparedness XII.International cooperation Annex 9 Proposed Conclusions
Thank you! 10