Mid Essex CCG Operational Plan 2016/17
Local & National Priorities Embedding of Live Well Increasing availability of appropriate seven day services Supporting and sustaining General Practice (Primary Care) Improving Urgent Care performance Ensuring 18 week pathways (Referral to Treatment) Improving Cancer service performance Improving Mental Health & Learning Disability service access and outcomes Increasing integration with Social Care & development of Better Care Fund Ensuring service quality Supporting the work of the Success Regime Managing within assigned resources
Embedding Live Well To work with communities, patients and health and social care professionals to define real and meaningful outcomes that can be used to commission Live Well Develop innovative new models of commissioning Live Well services that facilitate the change in the provider landscape required to deliver Live Well; Identify and break through any barriers to delivering Live Well including, but not limited to, delivering digital care records, freeing up patient information flows, creating safe and efficient organisational governance frameworks, creating a stable base of primary care and facilitating trust across all partner organisations. Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for each domain to improve outcomes, efficiency and value for money, and
General Practice To develop a Primary Care sustainability & transformation investment programme to support primary care delivery, improve access and patient satisfaction To produce a Primary Care Estates Strategy setting out the CCG’s estates commitment for ensuring adequate health provision to address planned population growth and the ability to deliver the CCG’s Live Well Strategy. To support practice collaboration with the development of networks and joint working across primary, community and social care services. To work collaboratively with Practices and educational organisations to maximise recruitment and retention opportunities within the Mid Essex locality. To work collaboratively with NHS England and North East Essex CCG establishment of a Joint Commissioning Committee to oversee the commissioning and contracting of primary care services.
Urgent Care To produce a Mid Essex System wide shared vision for the delivery of urgent and emergency care culminating in the development of a strategy and implementation programme. To support the development and delivery of self-care and management programmes for the residents of the Mid Essex locality. To develop a new model of urgent and emergency care including the development of an Urgent Care Centre at Broomfield Hospital and the procurement of NHS 111/OoH services. (Close collaboration with Essex Success Regime) To support the ongoing development and delivery of Frailty services recognising the system mantra of “Home First”. (Close collaboration with Essex success Regime). To work alongside providers to develop seven day working across the Mid Essex Locality.
18 week pathways To work with MEHT to maintain aggregate compliance for the national 92% Incompletes Standard To work with MEHT to improve compliance across all specialities, notably orthopaedics. Cancer Working with providers and other CCGs to embed recent recruitments to management and clinical resource to drive service performance improvements –Access performance: The Trust has been meeting the 2 week waits and 2 week waits breast symptomatic access targets in 2015/16 but failing 31 day and the 62 day standards – for 2016/17 deliver on the performance recovery trajectories –Diagnostics: development of median time target for patients to receive diagnostics with progression to a 7 day turnaround for fast track/urgent pathways. –Multidisciplinary Teams: training and development of the recent recruits and the role of the Multidisciplinary Teams
Mental Health To work with other commissioners and providers to deliver the recommendations of the strategic including agreement of a new mental health strategy for Essex in Summer To ensure delivery of Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) waiting times target. To improve IAPT access, waits to 2 nd treatment and recovery service performance, including ensuring that 75% of service users access a service in 6 weeks and 95% in 18 weeks. To continue to work with primary care and local care homes to improve the diagnosis rates for people with dementia. To review the memory clinic pathway in North Essex including consideration of the usage of ECG (electrocardiogram) and MRI Scan (magnetic resonance imaging) as part of this pathway.
Learning Disabilities Offer Personal Health Budgets (PHB) or integrated personal budgets across health and social care for people with learning disabilities so they can have greater choice and control of the services they receive Co-commission services across the Essex footprint; and to improve economy and efficiency of service delivery and improved integration with Social Care. Develop a pan-Essex Health Equalities Strategy to improve life expectancy and health, wellbeing, and ordinary life outcomes for individuals with learning disabilities and their carers. Support the delivery of the Transforming Care agenda which aims to significantly reduce reliance on in-patient care
Quality Medicines Optimisation – minimising medicines waste, maximising medicine reviews Reducing antibiotic prescribing Improving Quality – working with providers to ensure learning from incidents and complaints Patient Safety – continuing to drive reduction in Health Care Acquired Infections, Venous Thromboembolism and mortality Patient Experience – improvement in the Friends and Family Test and listening to patients Compassion in Practice – working with providers to improve culture and leadership Safeguarding – oversight of adults and children Staff Satisfaction – improving staff experience and retention
Better Care Fund Improve data sharing between health and social care Maintain focus on reducing unplanned admissions Develop the joint approach to assessments and care planning, embed the MDT approach and ensure that an accountable professional is identified to oversee individual care packages/programmes Embed the new enhanced re-ablement service Agree a system-wide plan for reducing delayed transfers of care with overall goal and trajectory for improvement and with local government and NHS partners implement year one of this plan.
Resource Limit
Business Rules
Success Regime and the agreement of Block values Mandated ambulance investment Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) delivery Transforming Care Mental Health high cost placements Continuing Health Care demand National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommendations cost pressure Social Care Budget Reductions NHS Property Services move to market rents Housing developments Issues & Risks