Dealing with Disruptive Students
Committed to promoting student development and a campus environment that is safe and conducive to learning. We accomplish this by… Educating our campus community about the Code of Student Conduct, University Policies, Rules, and Procedures Facilitating a campus wide conduct system Enforcing the Code of Student Conduct
Disorderly, disruptive, lewd or indecent conduct. Behavior a student knew or reasonably should have known would cause a disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other university activities.
Willful failure to comply with directions of university officials, faculty members, law enforcement officers or emergency personnel. Willfully, recklessly, or knowingly engaging in conduct that violates any university policy, rule, or regulation.
Knowingly furnishing false or misleading information to university officials including but not limited to forgery, alteration, or misuse of any university document, record, or ID. Academic Misconduct – Cheating or Plagiarism
Engaging in or threatening… › Physical or verbal abuse, › Threats, intimidation, › Harassment, coercion, and/or › Any conduct which intentionally or recklessly threatens or endangers the health, welfare or safety of any person.
Include statements in your syllabus that outline: › Classroom rules and expectations › Academic misconduct policy › Student’s responsibility to know, understand, and follow the Code of Student Conduct › Consequences of not meeting expectations or violating classroom rules
Review classroom policy statements and expectations during the first class period. Optional – Have students sign a statement indicating that they have reviewed the syllabus and understand the classroom policies and expectations.
Address student behavior and policy violations immediately. › Private conversation › › Review policy with class Always a good idea to follow up in writing
Keep a log of student interactions that include: › Name of student › Date, time, location of incident › Names of witnesses › Description of incident › Summary of follow up with student Documentation is important to establish pattern of behavior
If behavior persists or is sever make an online referral to Student Conduct. › Attach supporting documentation (i.e. syllabus, intervention log, s)
Student Conduct staff will follow up with faculty throughout the conduct process: › Clarify referral/incident description › Review classroom policies/supporting documentation › Notifying faculty member of final outcome
Consultation Services › In person, by phone, or by Educational Conferences › Informal, educational conversation with behavioral directives Fact Finding Meetings/Hearing Boards › Formal conduct process, educational sanctions, and an appeal process
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In an effort to formalize our work with students in crisis, the CARE Team exists to Address student behavioral concerns that may negatively impact the campus learning environment Address student behavior that may pose harm to the health, welfare and safety of members of the University community or to the health, welfare and safety of the individuals exhibiting such behaviors. Coordinate response to violent, threatening or significantly disruptive students
Evaluate whether a student may remain enrolled and/or a student’s readiness to return to campus Provide guidance, referrals and resources to assist those directly connected to the student; address extreme behavioral concerns not Code of Conduct related Make recommendations regarding University policies and procedures
Denine Rocco Chair Juanita Martin Director, University Counseling Center Dale Adams Director, Student Conduct and Community Standards Michael Strong Associate Director, Res. Life and Housing Eric Green Director, Off Campus Student Services Laura Conley Director, Adult Focus Alan GradCaptain, Univ. of Akron Police Department Bryan Taylor Captain, Univ. of Akron Police Department John Reilly Associate VP and Associate General Counsel/Counsel to CARE Team
Workplace Violence Assessment Team Bill Viau Associate Vice President Human Resources and Talent Development Mark Stasitis Director, Labor Relations and Immigration Services, Human Resources Lee Gill Associate Vice President Inclusion and Equity Denine RoccoAssociate Vice President and Dean of Students James WeberMajor, Univ. of Akron Police Department
Best known for its impact on breaking down barriers in high school and collegiate sports for women and girls Federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in education Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights oversees applicability and compliance April 4, 2011 guideline announced by Vice President Joe Biden requires institutions that receive federal funding to investigate and discipline instances of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.
April 2011 Dept. of Education’s Office of Civil Rights issues “Dear Colleague” letter Institutions of higher education must “… take immediate and effective steps to end sexual harassment and sexual violence Should institution fail to fulfill responsibilities under Title IX, Dept. of Ed. can impose fines and deny an institution’s access to federal funds.
Becky Hoover Title IX Coordinator 414 Leigh Hall Denine Rocco Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students 306 Student Union Mark Stasitis Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees Admin. Services Bldg. 125N
Denine M. Rocco Associate Vice President and Dean of Students (330) Dale R. Adams Director Student Conduct and Community Standards (330)