NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Sustainable Water Infrastructure Accomplishments and Next Steps
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Where We Were Massive Needs Aging Infrastructure Additional Requirements 70% Reduction in Federal Funding End of Federal Support in 2011
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation What We Need Sustainable Program Increase Supply Increase SRFs Restore Fed Grants Hardship Green Infra Wet Weather Other? Decrease Demand Asset Management Fair Cost Price Good Actors Smart Growth Innovation (GI, energy and water efficiency)
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation What We Did Established the Initiative Issued DEC and DOH Need Reports Created CWC Advanced Awareness Focused Message Improved SRF Assured Inclusion in Federal Stimulus
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation What We Got American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Attention! $4 Billion for CWSRF $2 Billion for DWSRF Grants for CWSRF 20% Green Infrastructure
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation What We Hope to Get President’s 2010 Budget $2.4B for CWSRF (NYS 11.16%) $1.5B for DWSRF (NYS 6.59%)
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Even More! Reauthorization Bills Significantly Increase Reauthorization for SRF Restore Grants to CWSRF for Hardship, CSOs and Green Infrastructure (including energy and water efficiency and innovations)
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Where We Are Headed Sustain Push for Increased SRF Authorization and Appropriation Demonstrate Continued Need for and Effective Use of Federal Funding Revise SRF Program