EMEA Mobile Markets Competitive Benchmarking Study March 2014 Trend Consulting 2013
Benchmark brands & capabilities with operators, press and media across EMEA 150 interviews undertaken to find out: -Widest choice & range of mobile products & devices -Ability to innovate & deliver new mobile technology to market at the right time -Vision, Innovation, Enablement & Partnership Creation -Having the greatest impact in EMEA mobile telecoms market -Market Leaders in the next three years -Business Strategies and Communications Effectiveness Objectives Of Study Trend Consulting 2013
Key Findings What are the key expectations and requirements which must be met in order for the European mobile & wireless industry to evolve? Trend Consulting 2013 Total sample: 271
Key Findings Which mobile technologies and initiatives do you think will drive the European mobile communications market in the next months? Trend Consulting 2013 Total sample: 271
Key Findings Which technologies and brands are you concerned about becoming too dominant ? Over 70% of respondents do not think any one technology or brand is currently dominating the market. They believe there is healthy competition (e.g. Android versus IOS and it will remain so over the next 3-5 years as Microsoft/Nokia aim to threaten market shares of Samsung and Apple ) Total sample: 271
Key Findings Which technologies and brands are you concerned about becoming too dominant? About a quarter of respondents did however perceive Android and Samsung were starting to dominate the market, and they feared a monopoly position which is always unhealthy as it can limit competition and innovation Total: 75 (who had concerns)
How would you rate these players in terms of their capabilities in being able to deliver the widest choice & range of mobile products and devices to both consumers & businesses across Europe Rating of 1-6: where 1 = not capable at all, and 6 = extremely capable Trend Consulting 2013 Total sample: 271
How would you rate these players in terms of their ability to innovate & deliver new mobile technology to market at the right time in Europe Rating of 1-6: where 1 = not capable at all, and 6 = extremely capable Trend Consulting 2013 Total sample: 271
How would you rate the following companies in terms of them being a Visionary Rating of 1-6: where 1 = not good at all, and 6 = excellent Trend Consulting 2013 Total sample: 271
Trend Consulting 2013 How would you rate the following companies in terms of them being an Innovator Rating of 1-6: where 1 = not good at all, and 6 = excellent Total sample: 271
Trend Consulting 2013 How would you rate the following companies in terms of them being an Enabler Rating of 1-6: where 1 = not good at all, and 6 = excellent Total sample: 271
Trend Consulting 2013 How would you rate the following companies in terms of being Partnership Creators Rating of 1-6: where 1 = not good at all, and 6 = excellent Total sample: 271
Who do you believe are the top three companies making the greatest impact in the European mobile communications market? Several other brands and technologies were mentioned only once or twice making them statistically insignificant, so we have excluded them as their impact is negligible from an EMEA analysis perspective Trend Consulting 2013 Total sample: 271
Who do you believe are the top three companies that are best at enabling existing & new radio access technologies? Unprompted responses Trend Consulting 2013
Who do you believe are the top three companies that are best in terms of enabling mobile service & content delivery? Unprompted responses Trend Consulting 2013
Who do you believe are the top three companies that are best in terms of enabling devices that are driving the adoption of new technology? Unprompted responses Trend Consulting 2013
Who do you believe are the top three companies that are best positioned to be the technology market leaders in the European mobile communications market over the next 3 years? Unprompted responses Trend Consulting 2013
Which companies in the mobile communications industry do you perceive are best able to articulate & communicate their business strategies? Unprompted responses Trend Consulting 2013
For More Information, Contact…… Tim Donovan Office: Mobile: Trend Consulting Trend Consulting 2013