Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Maryland Municipal League Snap Learning: Grant Application Do’s & Don’ts.


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Presentation transcript:

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Maryland Municipal League Snap Learning: Grant Application Do’s & Don’ts Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Mission The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development works with partners to finance housing opportunities and revitalize great places for Maryland citizens to live, work and prosper. Vision All Maryland citizens will have the opportunity to live and prosper in affordable, desirable and secure housing in thriving communities. DHCD: WHAT WE DO

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development REVITALIZATION BUILDING BLOCKS Specific & local targeted area Strong local leadership & partners Multi-year investment strategy Where revitalization is working

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development 12

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Places where public & private investments and partnerships achieve: A healthy local economy Protection and appreciation of historical & cultural resources A mix of land uses Housing for all income levels Employment & job opportunities for all citizens Enhanced communities & neighborhoods by protecting the environment, conserving our natural resources and encouraging walkability & recreational opportunities

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Since 2002, Community Legacy has awarded $70.6 million toward 704 local projects with total value of more than $476 million. COMMUNITY LEGACY Who Can Apply: Local governments Nonprofit community development organizations Project Criteria: Located in the Sustainable Community Revitalization impact Leveraged resources and financing Organizational capacity Project readiness FY 2016 allocation: $6 million Applications Due: July 15th

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development OTHER COMMUNITY LEGACY PROJECTS Neighborhood beautification projects Upper story redevelopment Acquisition - Rehabilitation Façade improvements Streetscapes Public spaces Mixed-use Pocket parks

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development S TRATEGIC D EMOLITION AND S MART G ROWTH I MPACT F UND Who Can Apply: Local governments Nonprofit community development organizations Eligible Projects: Located in a Sustainable Community Site acquisition and assembly Demolition Site Development - public infrastructure improvements Construction level designs Project must have significant economic impact Provides grants and loans to government entities for demolition, land assembly, infrastructure improvements and other pre-development costs FY2016 allocation: $7.5 million Applications Due: July 15th

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Location: Ocean City Applicant: Ocean City Community Development Corporation Use of funds: Demolition Project outcome: Mixed-use building for first floor restaurant expansion and second floor seasonal workforce housing Impact snapshot: 21 new housing units, 42 new beds 15 new retail employees, 12 construction- related jobs Small business expansion Increase of $395,670 in property value Existing conditions: 216 S. Baltimore Ave S TRATEGIC D EMOLITION AND S MART G ROWTH I MPACT F UND New mixed-use development

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development COMMON APPLICATION PITFALLS

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Is the project/program within the boundary? Is the project/program part of the Sustainable Community Action Plan? SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development If you are an eligible and approved CDO: –Local government resolution –Corporate resolution –501(c)3 status in good standing BE IN GOOD STANDING

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Get familiar with new system Save early and often USING PROJECT PORTAL

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Don’t let the truth stand in the way of a good story APPLICATION NARRATIVE

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development What are we buying? PROJECT SCOPE

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Maryland Historical Trust approval is required for all State funding (Section 106) HISTORIC PRESERVATION

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Be prepared with SDAT, HUD-1, Exclusive Negotiating Rights agreement, letter from seller SITE CONTROL

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Include cost estimates and all evidence of financial commitments BUDGET

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development 2 year time frame and 50% draw down by the end of year 1 TIMELINE

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Thoroughly vet project/program partners –are they incorporated? Are they timely/responsive? Have some kind of legal connection between you and sub-grantees, such as MOU or MOA with the third party PARTNERSHIPS

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Outcomes should include economic and community development goals CONNECTING THE DOTS

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Before the deadline (July 15), complete and proofread Essential if/when partners are filling out applications TIMELY SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS

Secretary Kenneth C. Holt Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development THANK YOU Kevin N. Baynes, AICP OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PROGRAMS NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION