Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. Transition to Five Achievement Levels School Performance Grades (A–F) EVAAS as a Tool NC READY ACCOUNTABILITY
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. ACCOUNTABILITY MODEL
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. October 2013 ‒ State Board of Education adopted four academic achievement levels with descriptors March 2014 ‒ State Board of Education adopted an additional academic achievement level for a total of five levels Level 1: Limited Command Level 2: Partial Command Level 3: Sufficient Command (State Proficiency Standard) Level 4: Solid Command (College and Career Readiness) Level 5: Superior Command (College and Career Readiness) TRANSITION TO FIVE ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. Two Standards for Reporting Grade Level Proficiency (Level 3 and above) Used in School Performance Grades Reported in all accountability reporting and NC School Report Card (except AMO Targets) College and Career Readiness (Level 4 and 5) Used for annual measurable objective (AMO) targets (Baseline 2012–13 was CCR) Reported in all accountability reporting and NC School Report Card TRANSITION TO FIVE ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADES
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADES
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADES
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. EVAAS AS A TOOL
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. School Achievement Score: Add all indicator numerators (met indicators standard) and divide by all indicator denominators (students included in indicators) to determine Achievement Score IndicatorNumeratorDenominatorScoreTotal Achievement Score EOG Reading (3-8) EOG Math (3-8) EOG Science (5 & 8) EOC Math I EOC English II EOC Biology The ACT (UNC System 17) ACT WorkKeys (Silver or Better) Math Course Rigor 4-year Graduation Rate Total CALCULATING SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADE (ES)
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. School Achievement Score: Add all indicator numerators (met indicators standard) and divide by all indicator denominators (students included in indicators) to determine Achievement Score IndicatorNumeratorDenominatorScoreTotal Achievement Score EOG Reading (3-8) EOG Math (3-8) EOG Science (5 & 8) EOC Math I EOC English II EOC Biology The ACT (UNC System 17) ACT WorkKeys (Silver or Better) Math Course Rigor 4-year Graduation Rate Total CALCULATING SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADE (MS)
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. School Achievement Score: Add all indicator numerators (met indicators standard) and divide by all indicator denominators (students included in indicators) to determine Achievement Score IndicatorNumeratorDenominatorScoreTotal Achievement Score EOG Reading (3-8) EOG Math (3-8) EOG Science (5 & 8) EOC Math I EOC English II EOC Biology The ACT (UNC System 17) ACT WorkKeys (Silver or Better) Math Course Rigor year Graduation Rate Total CALCULATING SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADE (HS)
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. Growth Score: EVAAS School Accountability Growth Index score is converted to a 100 point scale and given a designation. Converted Score and Designation are reported on School Report Card. Composite Index Score Converted Score Status Growth Score Exceeds Expected Growth CALCULATING SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADE
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. Final Grade: HB 230 (Current Legislation) states that Final Grade will be calculated using: - 80% Achievement Score and 20% Growth Score - Set on a 15 Point Scale - If Growth lowers final score AND grade, use only achievement Score Multiply by Input for Final Grade School Achievement Growth Final Score 85 Final Grade A CALCULATING SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADE (ES)
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. Final Grade: HB 230 (Current Legislation) states that Final Grade will be calculated using: - 80% Achievement Score and 20% Growth Score - Set on a 15 Point Scale - If Growth lowers final score AND grade, use only achievement Score Multiply by Input for Final Grade School Achievement Growth Final Score 87 Final Grade A CALCULATING SCHOOL PERFORMANCE GRADE (MS)
Globalization. Innovation. Graduation. Final Grade: HB 230 (Current Legislation) states that Final Grade will be calculated using: - 80% Achievement Score and 20% Growth Score - Set on a 15 Point Scale - If Growth lowers final score AND grade, use only achievement Score Multiply by Input for Final Grade School Achievement Growth Final Score 75 Final Grade B