Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Health Protection and what does this have to do with my role? Monday, 14 th March – Fry’s Conference Centre, Keynsham Anna Brett, Health Protection Manager, Bath and North East Somerset Council
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit What we’ll cover Overview of Health Protection Who does Health Protection? Priorities nationally & locally What is my role? The role of the wider Public Health workforce
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Three main strands of public health Health improvement Health protection Evidence Health services Strategic planning and health policy Reducing health inequalities Data analysisWorking with communities Epidemiology
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Health Protection: An Old Friend/Foe
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit What is Health Protection? Protecting the health of the population by improving the prevention and control of infectious diseases and other environmental threats. It involves: Ensuring the safety and quality of food, water, air and the general environment. Preventing the transmission of communicable diseases.
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Who does Health Protection?
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Health Protection Quiz Communicable Disease Control & Environmental Hazards Screening Immunisation Health care associated infection Sexual Health Health Emergency Planning
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Communicable disease and environmental hazards Ebola Zika Virus Tuberculosis Seasonal and pandemic flu Air Quality Management Areas Fire Radon
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Screening and immunisations Immunisation programmesScreening programmes Neonatal Hepatitis B immunisation programme NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening Programme Neonatal BCG immunisation programme NHS Down’s Syndrome Screening (Trisomy 21) Programme Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunisation programmeNHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme Immunisation against diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, pertussis and Hib NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme Meningitis C (MenC) immunisation programme NHS Newborn Blood Spot Screening Programme Hib / MenC immunisation programmeNewborn Hearing Screening Programme Pneumococcal immunisation programme NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme DTaP/IPV and dTaP/IPV immunisation programmeNHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunisation programme NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme Human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation programme Cancer screening programmes Td/IPV (teenage booster) immunisation programmeBreast Screening Programme Seasonal influenza immunisation programmeCervical Screening Recent programmes: rotavirus, shingles, seasonal influenzaBowel Cancer Screening Programme Commissioned by NHS England South (South Central) with public health capacity from Public Health England Recent and future expansion in programmes
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Health care associated infections
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Sexual health
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Health Emergency Planning
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit What is my role? Health Protection assurance & Health Protection Board Outbreak & incident management Health Emergency Planning Reducing inequalities Public health campaigns, advice and information
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit What is the role of the wider workforce in Health Protection? Direct health protection Information & advice - key health protection messages Good infection control Work in partnership – seek help and advice Reduce inequalities Make every contact count
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Any Questions? Tel: