World leading exporters of pulp, paper and sawn timber 2008 Källa; Skogsindustrierna, CEPI, PPI, FAO, Nationella Föreningar
Sweden’s share of the world’s: procent
Forests of the world: 3.95 billion hectares Asia 572 mill ha Europe milj ha Africa 635 mill ha North and Central America 706 mill ha South America 832 mill ha 18% 5% 21% 16% 15% 25% Source: FAO Oceania 206 mill ha
Global use of wood Source: FAO
Global paper production 2009 by region Total production: 371 million tonnes (2008: 391) Source: PPI
Global paper production 2009 by grade Source: PPI Total production: 371 million tonnes (2008: 391)
Global pulp production 2009 by region Total production: 178 million tonnes (2008: 192) Source PPI
Global pulp production 2009 by quality Source: PPI Total production: 178 million tonnes (2008:192)
Production and exports of paper 2009 Source: PPI Million tonnes Exports Production Total world production: 371 million tonnes Total world exports: 105 million tonnes
Total world production: 178 million tonnes Total world production: 43 million tonnes Production and exports of pulp 2009 Source: PPI Exports Production Million tonnes
Paper consumption in Europe 2009 Deliveries from various regions Total consumption: 81 million tonnes (2008:88) Source: CEPI
Paper consumption in Europe 2009 by grades Source: CEPI Total consumption: 81 million tonnes (2008: 88)
Raw materials in European papermaking 2009 Total paper production 89 million tonnes (2008: 99) Source: CEPI
Production and exports sawn timber, softwood 2009 Export Production Million m 3 Källa: FAO Total world production: 257 million m³ Total world exports: 90 million m³
Top ten producers of sawn coniferous products (by production) 2008 Million m 3 (net) Källa: Wood Markets
Consumption per capita of sawn softwood 2009 m3 per capita Source: UNECE 0,1 0,4 0,30,20,6 0,0 0,5 Prel. uppgifter 0,70,8 0,9
Recovery of paper products Per cent of consumption 2009 Source: PPI, CEPI World % *Europe is EU27,Norway and Switzerland
Pulp production in CEPI countries 2009 Total CEPI production:36 million tonnes Source: CEPI
Paper production in CEPI countries 2009 Total CEPI production: 89 million tonnes Source: CEPI
Consumption of paper 2009 Total consumption: 371 million tonnes Source: PPI
Per capita paper consumption North America EU Europe Japan China Rest of Asia Oceanien Latin America Afrika Average 54 Källa: PPI kg/capita Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia Source: PPI
Net trade of paper by regions 2009 Net importsNet exports Million tonnes Source: PPI
Net trade of pulp by regions 2009 Net importsNet exports Million tonnes Source: PPI
Structure of the paper industry tonnes < >100 Number of mills Capacity Source : CEPI SwedenEU 41 12
Share of integrated pulp in the pulp and paper industry 2009 Källa: FAO Total pulp capacity, million tonnes