13. júní 2016 The Icelandic Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings Adopted by the Government of Iceland March CBSS-TF-THB Training Seminar May Hildur Jónsdóttir, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Security
13. júní 2016 A little lesson in the Icelandic language: Mansal The Icelandic term for Human trafficking is MANSAL. It is composed of MAN, old Norse for slave, and SAL, meaning sale or selling. In the Icelandic language, interestingly, the term MAN became early to mean a female slave and later still a woman. When more or less extinct in the Icelandic language, our Nobel Prize author, Halldór Laxness, named one of his books Hið ljósa man, that has been translated as The fair lady. By this he could have been playing with this double meaning: the slave-like conditions of women. The Icelandic Dictionary of the University of Iceland suggested this term in the nineties as a translation of human trafficking, thus returning to its ancient Norse meaning.
13. júní 2016 Human trafficking in Iceland A country of transfer between Europe and USA –One case of transfer of 5 chinese girls detected in Leifsstöð. Sentenced for forged travel documents even though the Supreme Court deemed it likely that they were victims of HT (2003) Sexual coercion, prostitution and possibly strip dancing One case of forced labour: Sentence for forgery, unverified suspicion in another case Icelandic consumption of child pornography No known cases of other sorts of HT Official statistics non-existing In 2006 various NGOs considered that each one of them had been in contact with 3-20 possible victims Marriages between Icelandic men and women of foreign origin characterised by sexual or labour coercion Several studies conducted for the Ministry of Justice reveal the exploitation of young people´s addiction for sexual purposes and prostitution
13. júní 2016 International obligations of Iceland ILO resolution No. 29 on the Abolition of Forced Labour and Mandatory Work,1930 ILO resolution No. 105 on the Abolition of Forced Labour, 1957 ILO resolution No. 182 on the Prohibition of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and Immediate Action to Eliminate Child Labour, 1999 UN Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 UN Convention on the Right of the Child, 1989 Optional Protocol to the CRC on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, 2000 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination agaainst Women, 1979
13. júní 2016 International obligations cont. The UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and Protocol on Human Trafficking, 2000 –Signed by Iceland Dec , ratification pending The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, 2005 –Signed by Iceland same day, May 16, ratification pending
13. júní 2016 The National Action Plan against THB A government resolution in Dec assigning the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Security to initate work on the plan Working group appointed in Jan 2008 comprised of representatives from The Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Security The Ministry of Justice The Ministry of Health Red Cross of Iceland The Counselling Centre for Survivors of Sexual Abuse The Women´s Shelters Associaton The Intercultural Centre The City of Reykjavík The Association of Local Authorities
13. júní 2016 Chapters of the Action Plan 1.Ratification of international treaties and harmonisation of Icelandic legislation. 2.Specialist and co-ordination team and the supervision of affairs concerning human trafficking. 3.Education to professionals and public officials. 4.Protection of victims and aid to victims. 5.Police provisions and investigation into alleged trafficking in humans. 6.Actions against demand in the prostitution and pornography industry. 7.International co-operation. 8.Proactive search and emergency phone numbers. 9.Registration of information and intelligence gathering.
13. júní Ratification of international treaties and harmonisation of Icelandic legislation. Legislative amendments include: The Penal Code The Act on Foreigners The Municipalities´ Social Services Act Regulation on Health Services to those who are not health insured under the Act on Health Insurance and Health Services Benefits Assessment of police powers of proactive investigation
13. júní Specialist and co-ordination team and the supervision of affairs concerning human trafficking. Cross-sectoral cooperation and coordination of actions Case work, provision of protection and support to victims Issuing of checklists for identification Education and training of professionals, public officials, target groups, initiation of research Official registration and statistics Monitoring of the implementation of the Action Plan Advisory body to public authorities
13. júní Education to professionals and public officials. An educational plan covering: Police, border guards and customs officers Prosecutors and judges Employees of relevant institutions Employees in healthcare services Social service and child welfare personnel and support and treatment professionals Government ministry personnel
13. júní Protection of victims and aid to victims. Cooperation with relevant NGOs and recognition of their role in assisting victims of human trafficking A reflection period for victims to decide upon cooperaton with police, a special category of temporary residence permits Safe refuge and financial and social assistance Physical and psychological health care Safe return to a country of origin and rehabilitation Methods and procedures for under age victims
13. júní Police provisions and investigation into alleged trafficking in humans. Rules of procedure for police i.e. when coming into contact with potential victims, incl. their information about available protecton and assistance measures An assessment of police powers for proactive investigtion methods Establishment of a team of specially trained criminal investigators within Legal counsel, witness protection and anonimity provided for victims
13. júní Actions against demand in the prostitution and pornography industry. A bill should be introduced that calls for the criminalisation of the purchasing of prostitution. A bill should be introduced that deletes an exemption to run strip clubs An educational campaign directed at byers of prostitution and pornography Strengthening of the fight against child pornography Surveillance and investigation of those with direct or indirect gain from prostitution of others
13. júní International co-operation. Code of conduct for all public officials 8. Proactive search and emergency phone numbers. 9. Registration of information and intelligence gathering. Official registration Initiation of research
13. júní 2016 Thank you! For more information: