Objectives (1) develop a standard API for time series-like data, (2) develop a software package, TSDS (Time Series Data Server), that implements this API and provides server-side super-setting, sub- setting, filtering, and uniform gridding of time series-like data, (3) make the data holdings from several key data providers in the heliophysics environment accessible through the TSDS API (4) develop client-side software for standard data analysis packages (IDL, MATLAB, Java, Python, and Excel) that will allow access to a TSDS-enabled server.
API (non-SPASE) The base-line API builds on OPeNDAP- compliant URL requests nstraint_expression where host: name of the computer hosting the TSDS servlet, dataset: name of a time series to be served, suffix: type or format of the output, and constraint_expression: A collection of request parameters such as time range and filter. The suffixes (i.e., output options) include info: information about the dataset and request options, html: HTML view of dataset information and a form for requesting data, dds: dataset Descriptor Structure (ASCII), das: dataset Attribute Structure (ASCII), dods: data object as defined by the Data Access Protocol (DAP), asc: data object represented as ASCII, and spase: a SPASE record for the request (to be implemented as part of proposed work) Other output options include (or will include as a part of the proposed work) csv: comma separated values, dat: tabular ASCII format, bin: A flat binary table, nc: Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) file, cdf: Common Data Format (CDF) file (to be implemented as part of proposed work), h5: Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) version 5, json: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) (to be implemented as part of proposed work), and xml: An XML representation of the data (to be implemented as part of proposed work; structure to be determined)
API using SPASE (proposed) Generic API Example: Proposed: spase://VMO/NumericalData/CRRES/MAG/PT2S
Connecting to a service or file(s) NcML (netCDF mark-up language) describes data structure of local or remote service or file(s).
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