Skeletal - Muscular Systems Chapter 32 Pg 15
1. What are the structures and functions of the skeletal system?
STRUCTURES Bones Bone Marrow Yellow and Red Spongy bone Compact bone Periosteium Cartilage Tendons Ligaments Joints
1. What are the structures and functions of the skeletal system? FUNCTIONS 1. Shape and Structure 2. Protection for internal organs 3. Stores calcium and phosphorous minerals 4. Produces red and white blood cells 5. Supports muscles and organs
2. What does the inside of a bone look like? #2 #1 #3 #5
2. What does the inside of a bone look like? 1. Spongy bone – light to keep your bones moveable 2. Red bone marrow – produces RBC’s and WBC’s 3. Compact bone – dense keeps bones from breaking 4. Yellow bone marrow – storage of fat 5. Periosteum – protects and supplies the bone with blood carrying O 2
3. How do bones develop? Most bones develop from cartilage. When cartilage hardens bone is formed = ossification. Nose, ears, and joints never ossify.
4. What makes up the human skeleton? 206 bones Held together by joints and ligaments – bone to bone Tendons – bone to muscle
5. What are the 3 types of joints? 1. Fixed joint – skull Suture 2. Semi-movable joints – vertebrae and ribs 3. Moveable joints – Hinge – elbow or knee Ball and Socket – shoulder and hip Pivot – neck Gliding – phalanges, metacarpals, and metatarsals
Pg 14 Skeletal diagram
Muscular System Notes Pg 17
1. What are the structures and functions of the muscular system?
STRUCTURES Muscle Smooth Striated Cardiac Actin and Myosin FUNCTION Movement
2. What does a muscle look like? Z line - where actin is anchored Myosin - thick protein filaments Actin - thin protein filaments Sarcomere - the region from one z line to the next
3. How do muscles work?
Actin and myosin When muscles contract, myosin heads “pull” on the actin causing the muscle to shorten. When muscles relax, the myosin lets go of the actin. Antagonistic
4. How are the skeletal and muscular systems related? Held together by tendons The Skeleton supports and protects the muscles w/o the skeleton you’d be a big blob Muscles move the skeleton w/o the muscles you wouldn’t move