Backpack Bag worn on the back to carry things. Aryaan carried her backpack to school.
Campfire Outdoor fire for heat or cooking. We built a campfire to roast marshmallows.
hike A long walk for pleasure or exercise. Keshan went on a hike up the mountain..
camping Living outside, often in a tent. Destiny went camping with her family.
lanterns A light, often with clear sides, that can be carried around. Angel used his lantern to get through he dark woods.
tent A place to sleep when camping. Rafaela popped her tent to sleep for the night.
guitar A musical instrument with strings, played strumming the strings. Elvis Presley played the guitar.
shivered Shaking from being cold. Luke shivered when the cold rain soaked him.
drooled To let saliva drip from mouth. Moe Moe drooled when she saw the steak.
climbed Used the hands or feet to move up or down on a steep hill or mountain. Mirsa climbed the mountain with her mom.
fawn A young deer Did you see the fawn in the movie Bambi?
rainbow An arc of colored light seen in the sky. After the rain their was a pretty rainbow.
tender Gentle and loving Yesenia was very tender with the kitten.
groaned Making a deep moaning sound. Garrett groaned when his mom told him to read Junie B Jones. His mom groaned when she had to do laundry.
sappy Silly or foolish. Mrs. Laver cried over the sappy movie.
snuggled Were cozy and close. Abby snuggled with her dog to keep warm.
message A group of words sent from one person to another. I left a message on the phone to call.
repeats Does or say again. One day Jackson repeated everything Dory said.
ordinary Something that is normal. It was an ordinary day, because nothing changed.