S IMILAR VIOLINS Violin- it can be called a fiddle and it also mostly has four strings the name comes from medieval latern. Viola Cello Double bass These similar instruments are cool because the top is the smallest and they get bigger Also the violin plays the highest then it goes deeper. Violin viola cello double bass
T HE GUITAR FAMILY The guitar comes from the chordophone family and the base is usually made from wood and the string is made from nylon and steel Chordophone is a instrument that uses vibrating strings between two points. Sitar is an Indian guitar that has a lot more strings. Banjo is a another instrument that is like the guitar.
H ARP the harp thought to be the angels instrument also the harp is very big the harp is a multi stringed instrument it also has a neck. over the years harps have continued to grow through the years getting bigger and better they are closely related to the lyre. The lyre is a it is Europe is oldest lasting stringed instrument.