Gender in ECA Communicating Better with the Outside World
Session’s Objectives Role of communication in expanding understanding of how to address gender issues Promoting gender messaging, including social media, and other channels Bank's online transition process Role of knowledge activities, including GDLN
How the World Sees Us
Issues in ECA Women lag behind in the labor market with lower activity rates and incomes and in entrepreneurship with smaller businesses The adverse economic impact of aging populations and shrinking labor forces can be lessened by helping women stay in the labor market Mid-term goals: Increasing employment and reforming labor markets Closing gender gaps in access to economic opportunities
Audiences Internal (primary the country team) External CSOs, including business unions (targeted informing) Academia, think-tanks Policy makers? (not always) Mass-media (channel) WBG IS NOT the leading institution on gender But we have knowledge to share and contribute to the shared prosperity agenda
Kitchens without Violence Similar campaigns? NO! How far and how deep to go and how loud we could be in mainstreaming gender?
!!! Have enough content for communication
Gender-informed Country Dialogue: Opportunities and Tools CPS preparation – consultations Communicating ESWs: country/regional/global at delivery stage, but also at concept stage: “gender-informed” operations CPPR March 8 eve Upcoming WDR on Jobs
Who does what in communicating gender WhoWhat ECA gender teamOverall guidelines, regional framework and resources Country Gender Assessment (CPS) ECA EXT teamSocial media, web-based communication GFPs country level + CO EXT staffMin: Pager on country specific messages Max: Gender Depository - country specific Country ManagementCommunicating to government, other key counterparts based on messages and examples
Next steps: Depository: pager of evidences, country data (global ranks, statistics) and messages on key issues the country is facing By date????? Photos, quotes and good result stories By date???? Ways to work with IFC?
End of module I Thank you!