Be(lgium) International PostDoc - BeIPD-COFUND At a glance… Almost 17,000,000 Mio budget (40% EU funding / 2013>2019) 8 calls: In & Out incoming fellowships (duration: 24 months) 28 outgoing fellowships (duration: 12 months)
Be(lgium) International PostDoc - BeIPD-COFUND + social media First call:133 incoming applications received 2016 (last call): 217 applications (call open during 3 months) Incoming applicants’ origin:60% EU/ 40% non-EU (identical success rate) Gender balance applicants (mean): 42%F/ 58%M (identical balance selected fellows)
Be(lgium) International PostDoc - BeIPD-COFUND Key words: « bottom up » & « transparant » Applications are reviewed by 2 internal & 2 external experts Reporter (Sector Research Council Member) Feedback Report:
Be(lgium) International PostDoc - BeIPD-COFUND Salary + research budget LLL Training Offer Outreach Activities - - Hosting conditions follow up Auto-evaluation Programme monitoring What we offer: What we do:
5-minute video presentation of the BeIPD-COFUND postdoctoral programme: