menu Proverbsand sayings sayingsLondonGeographySymbolsOutstandingpersonalities
menu Proverbs and sayings A golden key opens every … door QuestionAnswer 100
menu Proverbs and sayings A good husband makes a good … wife QuestionAnswer 200
menu Proverbs and sayings Good news is no … news QuestionAnswer 300
menu Proverbs and sayings Rome was not built in a … day QuestionAnswer 400
menu Proverbs and sayings Bad news travel … fast QuestionAnswer 500
menu London What is Big Ben? the name of the great bell QuestionAnswer 100
London Many Queens and Kings of England are buried in this masterpiece of architecture. Westminster Abbey QuestionAnswer 200
London The Tower Bridge has always been one of the main symbols of London. In 2012 a new sign appeared on its construction. What international event was it devoted to? Olympic Games QuestionAnswer 300
London How many capsules are there on the London Eye? a) 24 b) 32 c) capsules QuestionAnswer 400
London The Whispering Gallery is situated in this magnificent cathedral. St Paul’s Cathedral QuestionAnswer 500
Geography How many countries does the UK consist of? 4 countries QuestionAnswer 100
Geography What channel separates the UK and Europe? English channel QuestionAnswer 200
Geography QuestionAnswer 300 What is the difference between the British and the Moscow time? 3 hours
menu Geography What is the longest river of the UK? Thames QuestionAnswer 400
Geography What is the only country that the UK borders on land? Ireland QuestionAnswer 500
Symbols What do British double- deckers, telephone booth and mail boxes have in common? red colour QuestionAnswer 100
Symbols What is the nickname of the British flag? Union Jack QuestionAnswer 200
Symbols What three countries do the three crosses on the British flag symbolize? England, Scotland and Northern Ireland QuestionAnswer 300
Symbols What is the name of a Scottish skirt? kilt QuestionAnswer 400
Symbols The composition, written by Henry Carry, has become the basis of many European anthems, including the Russian one. Our national anthem in the 19 th century started with the words «Боже, Царя храни». And what about the beginning of the British anthem? “Боже, храни Королеву!” “God save the Queen!” QuestionAnswer 500
Outstanding personalities This monarch has just celebrated the 60th anniversary of reigning. Elizabeth II QuestionAnswer 100
menu Outstanding personalities Benjamin Hall gave his name to this famous place of interest. Big Ben QuestionAnswer 200
menu Outstanding personalities Many people all over the world believe he was a real person and visit his apartment in 221B, Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes QuestionAnswer 300
menu Outstanding personalities This famous writer was born in Stratford-upon- Avon. William Shakespeare QuestionAnswer 400
menu Outstanding personalities This Prime-Minister was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Winston Churchill QuestionAnswer 500