New Zealand
Location The longitude and latitude is 35°, 33’S, 149°, 18’E in the capitol city Canberra New Zealand is located on the South eastern hemisphere. New Zealand is also located on the planet Earth New Zealand is located on the continent Australia.
Flag The New Zealand flag was adopted on June 12, 1902 The Blue Background stands for the pacific ocean Union Jack represents that New Zealand was once a British Colony. The Stars are the southern cross used to show the location of this country. The flag looks
National Anthem The name of this country’s anthem is “God defend New Zealand” The words were written by Thomas Henry Smith The music was by John Joseph Woods This anthem was adopted in the year of 1940 The national anthem was the result of a newspaper contest won by John Joseph Woods. Also the anthem “God Save the Queen” was adopted in 1840
Symbols Flag: was adopted on June 12, 1902 Coat of Arms: the coat of arms has four shields. The first quarter of the shield is stars to show the location. The second quarter is fleece to show farming. The third quarter is a tribute to the agricultural background of New Zealand. The fourth quarter is crossed hammers to show the mining industry. There is also a white line going down the middle it has three ships on it that represents the sea trade. The crown on top of the shield represents the fact that there is a New Zealand queen. The two supporters are women, the women on the left is European holding a New Zealand ensign. The women on the right is a Maori chieftain. Flower: Silver Fern Bird: Kiwi National Anthem: “ God Save The Queen” is the Maori version of the National Anthem “ God Defend New Zealand” translated as “Aotearoa.”