EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert The structure of regional forestry - wood chains – CASE STUDY Baden-Württemberg and its contribution.


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Presentation transcript:

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert The structure of regional forestry - wood chains – CASE STUDY Baden-Württemberg and its contribution to EFORWOOD Gero Becker & Franka Brüchert Freiburg University / Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert ROLE OF CASE STUDIES WITHIN EFORWOOD  to identify and describe existing forestry-wood chains and interactions in detail completely from production to consumption (coverage 60-80%)  link between single chain and the European dimension  provide realistic data for the sustainability impact assessment in ToSIA 3 types of case studies: forestry defined – Västerbottom (SWEDEN) consumption defined – IBERIAN penisula region defined – Baden-Württemberg (GERMANY)

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert CASE STUDY STRUCTURE VästerbottomIberiaBaden- Württemberg

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert Why Baden-Württemberg? Baden-Württemberg represents the typical structure and variety of Central-European forestry-wood chains some figures: area: 3,5752 Mio ha – 40% forest coverage population: 10.7 Mio inhabitants (300 people/km²) urban population: 65% rural poulation: 35% annual turnover of forest/wood based industry: 23 bio € ( in 2005 ) share in GDP-Ba-Wü: 7% borders to France and Switzerland

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert FORESTS OF BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG Forest area: 1.4 mio ha highly diverse forest ownership state forest: 1 owner communal forest: 1073 owners private forest: app owners Source: Annual Report of the State Forest Administration Baden-Württemberg, 2004

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert Source: Annual Report of the State Forest Administration Baden-Württemberg, 2004 highly diverse species and age structure high percentage of mixed stands and hardwood species total harvested volume 9.1 mio m³ roundwood under bark (softwood 7.1 mio m³, hardwood 2.0 mio m³) (in 2005) FORESTS OF BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG Forest area: 1.4 mio ha

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert WOOD BASED INDUSTRY - sawmills and carpentry Source: Müller; unpublished data 410 SAWMILLS 2000 carpentries Towns and cities

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert FORESTRY BASED INDUSTRY - pulp & paper production Source: Müller; unpublished data pulp & paper processing towns and cities over inhabitants 7 big pulp and paper mills

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert FORESTRY & WOOD BASED INDUSTRY Number of companies Number of employees Turnover billion € Forestry Saw mills Wood based panels Packaging Furniture House construction Carpentry Joinery Miscelleanous Pulp and paper industry Secondary paper process Pellet production/ bioenergy plants Timber retail / trade Total Source: FVA 2006; State Forest Administration, 2006; Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg, 2006

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert is characterised by: a diverse structure of sawmilling industry in size and degree of specialisation a large number of small and medium sized enterprises in sawmilling, carpentry and joinery a pulp and paper industry strongly embedded in international forest products and paper companies increasing capacities in wood energy and pellet production WOOD BASED INDUSTRY in Baden-Württemberg

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert Baden-Württemberg as an example for Central Europe Germany Austria Benelux Poland Czechia Slowakia Slowenia Hungaria Romania east of France north of Italy Switzerland

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert CASE STUDY STRUCTURE – regional defined M2 - forestry spruce & beech M3 - raw material supply to B-W production saw logs – panels – p&p – bioenergy Export - B-W raw material supply saw logs – panels-p&p- bioenergy Import - B-W consumption wooden products -p&p- bioenergy M5 - B-W consumption wooden products (sawn goods, panels) -p&p- bioenergy recycling incineration M4 - B-W production wooden products (sawn goods, panels) -p&p- bioenergy Import - B-W production saw logs – panels-p&p- bioenergy Export - B-W production wooden products -p&p- bioenergy Modules and chains

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert slope of terrain 60% M 3 3 harvesting/forwarding systems suitable for terrain and tree dimension FORESTRY-WOOD CHAINS in Baden-Württemberg Unmanaged forest nature reserve Close-to- nature forestry Multifunctional forestry Intensive even-aged forestry Wood biomass production regenerationyoung stand medium aged stand mature stand tree dimension: 35 cm 72 harvesting operations motormanual felling – forwarding fully mechanised harvester – forwarder motormanual felling – forwarding with cable crane M 2 Norway spruce European beech

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert FORESTRY-WOOD CHAINS in Baden-Württemberg pole length logs sawlogs short logs p&plogs panels hog fuels forest wood chips transportation systems roadwater M 3 M 4/ M 5 sawmill small softwood sawmill medium softwood sawmill large softwood sawmill hardwood integrated p&p mill panel mill pellet production sawmill softwood 5 paper gradesmilling by- products sawn semi- products 3 panel types semi-products industrial pre-fab house construction joinery printing industrial furniture production carpentry 4 construction timber products 2 packaging products 5 joinery products 5 furniture products 5 paper grades 3 panel types electricity heat pellets wood chips fire wood rail 60 potential production chains for spruce and beech

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert bioenergy FORESTRY WOOD CHAINS - WOOD FLOW sawmillsp&p millspanels Mio m³ roundwood Source: FVA; State Forest Administration, 2006; Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg, 2006

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert Next steps Flow of material is quantified Processes and cross-links between chains are defined and classified Indicators for each process identified and quantified >> Input into ToSIA and quality control >> Sustainability Impact Assessment Status-quo and scenarios on case study level >> Aggregation to the European level

EFORWOOD Eforwood Conference 2007 Gero Becker Franka Brüchert THANKS to the BW CASE STUDY TASK FORCE coordination: Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg (FVA) Franka Brüchert Heinrich Spiecker (M2) Philipp Duncker (M2) Karl Tojic (M2) Konstantin von Teuffel (M2) Jürgen Zell (M2) Gero Becker (M3-coordinator) Diana Vötter (M3) Jerylee Wilkes (M3) Franka Brüchert (M3) Volker Bölle (M3) Udo H. Sauter (M3) Anna von Schenk (M4) Katie Livesey (M4) Tiina Pajula (M4) Margareta Wihersaari (M4) Gus Verhaeghe (M5) Hannele Lehtinen (M5) Martin Johansson (M5)