Funding International Collaborations Andrew Challinor Martin Hamilton Louise Heery Research and Innovation Support Conference
Agenda for this session Why do international research collaborations matter to the University? How do we develop international collaborations (a case study)? How do we support international collaborations? How do we fund them? Group exercise Research & Innovation Support Conference Funding International CollaborationsBuilding Successful Strategic Partnerships
Why do international research collaborations matter to the University? Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Internal strategy? Research & Innovation Support Conference
School of something FACULTY OF OTHER Building Successful Strategic Partnerships External reputation? Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships How do we measure up? Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Teaching — the learning environment (worth 30 % of the overall ranking score) Research — volume, income and reputation (worth 30 per cent) Citations — research influence (worth 30 %) Industry income — innovation (worth 2.5 %) International outlook — staff, students and research (worth 7.5%). THES Ratings explained: Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships How do we measure up ? Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships How do we develop international research collaborations: a case study Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Why do academics want to engage in international research collaborations? Andy Challinor: EQUIP and CCAFS Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Inspiring individuals to work on real world problems Interdisciplinary research Informing government policy and increasing public understanding Developing new technologies Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships It takes time – different languages spoken by different disciplines. Different paradigms across natural and social science. Difficult to demonstrate disciplinary excellence The only way to address grand challenges You learn a lot You see the bigger picture Good career prospects It’s fun Take time at the start to learn from each other and discuss and develop ideas in detail. Dare to be wrong Focus on the “real world” and demonstrate how disciplines are used to further knowledge “Won’t I get more done if I keep my head down?” Be clear about your goals; more of what? Reflections on multi-disciplinary research Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships How do we support international collaborations? Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Partnerships & Internationalisation Researcher Mobility Programme (RMP) Fund for International Research Collaboration (FIRC) WUN Research Development Fund (WUN RDF) Benchmarking Fund for Academic- related staff Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Operational and Logistical Barriers: Working across time zones & national boundaries Relationship Management - Time management Working in a virtual, distributed environment Project Management Funding – double & triple jeopardy Barriers Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships How do we fund them? Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships National Fellowships (Newton Fellowships, Leverhulme) – N.B. University’s External Fellowships scheme Joint calls with Research Councils focusing on particular geographical regions Development funding focusing on developing countries (e.g. DFID) Small scale funding (Royal Society, British Council, some Research Councils) to pay for exchanges and workshops and short visits Government Departments/agencies tackling international problems (e.g. DEFRA and Climate change, Met Office Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships EU FP7 – final round – Final Marie Curie Round in August 2013 Horizon 2020 from 2014 – strong element of continuity Continuation of multi-partner collaborative projects (But, N.B. new rules on international engagement) Marie Curie Fellowships supporting researchers from virtually every country Marie Curie ITNs – PhD students from overseas ERC – prestigious funding – particularly keen to identify good quality overseas candidates Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships International Often not “international” in terms of activity funded, but benefit from international collaborations: NIH Bill and Melinda Gates NSF Foundations “World” organisations (World Bank, UN, NATO) Using expertise already existing within the University to exploit these opportunities WUN partner expertise and using this Project Management issues Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Hybrid Partnerships International research often requires different configurations of collaborations that span sectors – public and private and public (HE) and public (NGO, Foundation, etc). Examples: Resilient Pasts & Sustainable Futures Public Health & Climate Change National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, Shanghai Theatre Academy, Oxfam International, Self-help Africa, NAMATI: innovations in legal empowerment, NHS, Department of Health Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Further information Sources EURACCESSEURACCESS is a searchable database run by the British Council which provides information funding opportunities for activities such as international workshops and fellowships. The Foundation CenterThe Foundation Center provides an A to Z list of research funders, in particular charitable foundations based in the US. is a free database listing funding opportunities from US federal sources including NIH, DARPA and the US army. SRA InternationalSRA International also provides links to a number of US based funders. Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships Group Exercise – supporting and funding international collaborations Research & Innovation Support Conference
Building Successful Strategic Partnerships A senior academic has a research proposal he’d like to pursue. The study is based on an idea put forward by one of his postgraduate students and explores the bridge between how land is managed for food production and community land protection /environmental justice. What advice would you provide to enable the academic to: explore his ideas? find international collaborators? identify sustainable funding sources? identify stakeholders outside of HE that might collaborate on the research? What activities would you encourage the academic to include in his research so that: he and his student benefit from the research? to support impact on campus and impact externally? Research & Innovation Support Conference