Why do we need Islamic Economy – Equal distribution of Income
Islamic Financing Loan to help Profit / Loss Sharing
Some Principles Full faith on Quran and Hadith Islam explain the main Principles Limitation of Human Being
Capitalism Vs Islamic Economy Asset Backed Financing Money only Medium of Exchange IF based on illiquid assets Capital Vs Entrepreneur
Basic Mode of IF Mudarabah Musharakah
Others Salam Istisna Ijarah Murabahah
Islamic Banking Main Goals Criticism
Musharakah ( Sirkat) Partnership on Possession ( Obligatory) Partnership on Possession ( Voluntary) Contractual Partnership ( Capital) Contractual Partnership ( Labor) Contractual Partnership ( Goodwill)
Basic Rules of Musharakah Capable to make contract Profit Distribution Profit Rate Loss Conclusion
How to dissolve Musharakah Becoming in capable to continue contract If anyone die By giving notice
Is it possible to dissolve Musharakah without dissolving Business Yes
Mudarabah Profit Distribution Right to Dissolve Suitable for Project Financing
Securitization of Musharakah Possible but assets must be converted from cash to physical assets
Use of Musharakah Import and Export Financing Working Capital
Arguments against Musharakah & Solutions Risk of Losses Some People are not Honest Borrowers are not interested
Diminishing Musharakah House Financing Transportation Ready Made Garments
Murabahah Not only Deferred Payment May be in Cash Cost and profit or margin disclosure mandatory
Strict Conditions for Murabahah Goods must be exist Seller got Possession Direct or Indirect Posse ion i.e. seller taking risk.
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