1/21 EUROGI Extra Members’ Meeting Lisbon (PT), 16.11.2012 Workshop : “The future of the Data-Economy: Business strategies and models for spatial data.”


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Presentation transcript:

1/21 EUROGI Extra Members’ Meeting Lisbon (PT), Workshop : “The future of the Data-Economy: Business strategies and models for spatial data.” SMEs and INSPIRE: smeSpire Business Model Giacomo Martirano (EPSIT)

2/21 SUMMARY  What is smeSpire?  What is the smeSpire business model?  Some preliminary results  Next steps

3/21 Main project features Starting date01 May 2012 Duration24 Months Budget Euro Websitewww.smespire.eu It is an FP7 Support Action – funded by DG CONNECT - aiming to turn the challenges of the INSPIRE implementation into business opportunities for the geo-ICT European SMEs.

4/21 8 concrete output 1.Assessment, in EU Member States, of potential market for geoICT SMEs 2.Training package based on vocational training curricula. 3.Best Practice catalogue, including lessons learned and unsuccessful outcomes 4.Dissemination events (“smeSpire days”), which will include training workshops, to be organised in the participating countries (as ePractice workshops).

5/21 8 concrete output 5.Network of SMEs and other stakeholders to bridge the gap between INSPIRE-driven demand and the geoICT-driven offer. 6.Business model to enable already established and new geoICT EU SMEs to convert technological innovation into economic value. 7.European geoICT SMEs Database, enabling complex business intelligence studies and analysis 8.General awareness about the importance of interoperability (also results of EIS/EIF and ISA)

6/21 The partnership (1/3) 15 partners from 12 Member States. smeSpire is a Support Action for SMEs driven by SMEs: 8 of the 15 partners are SMEs all of them active in the geo-ICT sector, one partner SME is the Project Leader and three partners SMEs are WP Leaders, with a 51% of the total budget allocated to the 8 participating SMEs. The consortium is complemented by 3 Research Centres (JRC, K.U.LEUVEN and Fondazione Graphitech), 2 National Environmental Agencies (CENIA and SAZP), the no-profit association GISIG (recently qualified as an SME) and the government owned body Tracasa, with high skill in geo-ICT technologies.

7/21 The partnership (2/3) INSPIRE Conference 2012 – Workshop “Are SMEs ready to capitalise INSPIRE benefits?” - Istanbul,

8/21 The partnership (3/3)

9/21 Target groups and end-users  The following target groups, all of them being end-users at the same time, will be addressed by smeSpire: −already established SMEs active in the geo- ICT domain −new entrant SMEs in the geo-ICT domain, consisting of: o already established ICT SMEs, looking for new business opportunities o start-up SMEs. SMEs  99% of total companies ICT SMEs  2% of total SMEs Geo-ICT SMEs  2% of total ICT SMEs SMEs  99% of total companies ICT SMEs  2% of total SMEs Geo-ICT SMEs  2% of total ICT SMEs

10/21 The geo-ICT sector in Europe N° of Geo-ICT SMEs initially surveyed by the partners in the 12 participating Member States

11/21 The geo-ICT sector in Europe

12/21 The geo-ICT sector in Europe

13/21 Business model definition  A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value

14/21 Business model canvas

15/21 Some preliminary results Revenue streams: where does the money come from? Public sector Private sector (Service) contracts R&D projects

16/21 Some preliminary results Source of data: TED database (European public procurement journal Tenders Electronic Daily), where is published information about service contracts above € Query parameters: Type of documents: award contract notice Keywords (within the whole documentation): INSPIRE, SDI, Geoportal, GIS 481 contracts awarded within the period , for a total of 478 M€

17/21 Some preliminary results N° of contracts per country N° of contracts per country Value of contracts per country Value of contracts per country

18/21 Some preliminary results Temporal trend

19/21 Next steps To complete the BM component of the revenue streams: To complete TED data processing and analyses To process and analyse the CORDIS data (R&D projects database) To analyse the other BM components, with focus on: The customer segments The key-resources and the organisational model The cost structure …

20/21 Next steps To integrate the feedback coming from other project output: The Best Practice Catalogue The market analysis To compare different applicable business models: Based on data provision vs. based on service provision Service provision based on data vs. service provision based on consultancy, training Based on the set-up of operational services (good idea for DG CONNECT?) …

21/21 Thank you! and join us at