Realising the development of a transferable and locally driven whole systems approach to tackling obesity Jamie Blackshaw & Sam Montel – Obesity and Healthy.


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Presentation transcript:

Realising the development of a transferable and locally driven whole systems approach to tackling obesity Jamie Blackshaw & Sam Montel – Obesity and Healthy Weight team, PHE

The threat of obesity Global issue:- England high in the global league tables of obesity prevalence Social norm:- in England two thirds of adults are either overweight or obese Health impacts:- a leading cause of morbidly and premature mortality Social and economic costs:- £5bn a year cost to NHS. Estimated £5.5bn cost in lost workforce productivity Social gradients in child obesity:- data from the National Child Measurement Programme. 2Whole systems approach to tackling obesity

Tackling obesity particularly among children One of PHE’s seven priorities over the next 5 years Outcome: ‘An increase in the proportion of children leaving primary school with a healthy weight, accompanied by a reduction in levels of excess weight in adults.’ 3Whole systems approach to tackling obesity

Delivering on the ambition: Obesity Report and recommendations for government on sugar, based on evidence from SACN Work with NHS England on commitments to tackle obesity and type 2 diabetes Run the New Year healthy eating campaign and summer physical activity programme Publish the evidence-based Everybody Active, Every Day framework Support local authorities to deliver whole-system approaches to tackle obesity Our commitments Progress In progress – SACN report Spring 2015 In progress Campaign ran first week Jan 2015 Launched October 2014 Commissioning in progress 4 Whole systems approach to tackling obesity

Tackling such a complex issue 5 Whole systems approach to tackling obesity

Insights from systems thinking 6 Silo working Integrated / holisticGeneralisingTailoring to context Individual research projects Continuous shared learning Linear cause and effect Feedback loopsTop down control Ground up leadership Whole systems approach to tackling obesity

What we mean by a “whole system approach” to tackling obesity 7Whole systems approach to tackling obesity Consider and address the broad range of drivers Consider the wider determinants of health Gap analysis and gap filling across breadth of the system Joined up co-ordinated action Involve the key actors across a broad range of disciplines in design and implementation Focuses on relationships. Operates across all levels of governance and leadership in the health system with supportive peer to peer accountability Maximises opportunities throughout the lifecourse.

New programme Partnership approach – PHE, ADPH, LGA and DH Aim: Within 5 years there is a set of tools, tried and tested at a local level, to support local authorities in implementing whole systems approaches to tackle obesity Build the evidence on how to take an whole system approach and what works in local settings Collaborative work with a small number of LA pilots and will include development of an evaluative framework including process outcomes 3-4 year programme with early shared learning 8Whole systems approach to tackling obesity

Questions: 1.What opportunities do you see in taking a whole system approach to tackling obesity? 2.From your experience what are the key things/ relationships needed for success? 3.What challenges could taking a whole system approach to tackling obesity bring? 4.How can PHE best support you? 5.What are the best ways for us to engage with you to share the learning form the programme? 9Whole systems approach to tackling obesity