CITY OF RENO DOWNTOWN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT By Marnell Heinz, Maintenance and Operations March 11, 2015
Maintenance District Timeline 1984….Creation of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Reno (RACOR).1984….Creation of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Reno (RACOR) Creation of the Downtown Maintenance Tax District within the Redevelopment District authorized by the State Legislature Creation of the Downtown Maintenance Tax District within the Redevelopment District authorized by the State Legislature Downtown Maintenance Tax District created by the Reno City Council Downtown Maintenance Tax District created by the Reno City Council State Legislature directs the City to convert tax districts (both Police and Maintenance) to special assessment districts State Legislature directs the City to convert tax districts (both Police and Maintenance) to special assessment districts City Council converts tax districts to special assessment districts City Council converts tax districts to special assessment districts. City of Reno26/13/2016
LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING CREATION OF TAX DISTRICT NRS , 2.”Creation of the district may be initiated by the filing of a petition signed by ten (10) percent of the owners of taxable property within the proposed district whose combined assessed value amounts to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the total assessed value of taxable property within the proposed district” (10-25 RULE) NRS , 2.”Creation of the district may be initiated by the filing of a petition signed by ten (10) percent of the owners of taxable property within the proposed district whose combined assessed value amounts to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the total assessed value of taxable property within the proposed district” (10-25 RULE) City of Reno36/13/2016
IN THE BEGINNING ….Downtown street and sidewalk improvements installed (Virginia, Sierra and Center Streets as well as downtown alleys) - Tiled Sidewalks, Black Cherry Street Furniture, Mushroom Head Street Lights, etc ….Downtown street and sidewalk improvements installed (Virginia, Sierra and Center Streets as well as downtown alleys) - Tiled Sidewalks, Black Cherry Street Furniture, Mushroom Head Street Lights, etc. Seven (7) Major Casinos within the Downtown Maintenance Boundary- Eldorado, Fitzgerald’s, Harold’s Club, Flamingo Hilton, Harrah’s, Circus Circus, and Club Cal- Neva.Seven (7) Major Casinos within the Downtown Maintenance Boundary- Eldorado, Fitzgerald’s, Harold’s Club, Flamingo Hilton, Harrah’s, Circus Circus, and Club Cal- Neva. The seven major casinos provided loaned operators to augment the Downtown Maintenance crews under the original tax district.The seven major casinos provided loaned operators to augment the Downtown Maintenance crews under the original tax district. 1990….Original downtown maintenance crews worked for the Redevelopment Agency.1990….Original downtown maintenance crews worked for the Redevelopment Agency. 1998….After bidding process, the Redevelopment Agency contracts with Public Works Department for Downtown Maintenance. Downtown maintenance crews transferred to Public Works Department.1998….After bidding process, the Redevelopment Agency contracts with Public Works Department for Downtown Maintenance. Downtown maintenance crews transferred to Public Works Department. City of Reno46/13/2016
NEW STREETSCAPE STANDARDS ADOPTED Downtown Streetscape Standards adopted by City Council. Silver Legacy, National Bowling Stadium, Cal-Neva Parking Stadium, Eldorado expansion, built with new standards—stamped concrete sidewalks rather than tiles, candy-cane lights rather than mushroom- head lights Downtown Streetscape Standards adopted by City Council. Silver Legacy, National Bowling Stadium, Cal-Neva Parking Stadium, Eldorado expansion, built with new standards—stamped concrete sidewalks rather than tiles, candy-cane lights rather than mushroom- head lights …Circus Circus Parking Structure and the Theater Block are completed using new streetscape standards …Circus Circus Parking Structure and the Theater Block are completed using new streetscape standards …ReTRAC, Virginia Street Widening Projects the Downtown Events Center, Downtown Ballroom, Montage and Palladio constructed using new standards …ReTRAC, Virginia Street Widening Projects the Downtown Events Center, Downtown Ballroom, Montage and Palladio constructed using new standards Virginia Street Improvement Project from 4 th Street to I-80 will use new streetscape standards Virginia Street Improvement Project from 4 th Street to I-80 will use new streetscape standards. City of Reno56/13/2016
New Housing Downtown 2000….Riverwalk Condominiums (267 Units) opened on “Old” Comstock Casino site.2000….Riverwalk Condominiums (267 Units) opened on “Old” Comstock Casino site Palladio Condominiums (92 Units) opened on site of “Old” Granada Theater Palladio Condominiums (92 Units) opened on site of “Old” Granada Theater. 2009…..Montage Condominiums (377 Units) opened on the site of the “old” Flamingo Hilton/Golden Phoenix.2009…..Montage Condominiums (377 Units) opened on the site of the “old” Flamingo Hilton/Golden Phoenix. City of Reno66/13/2016
Downtown SAD Boundaries 6/13/2016City of Reno7
PERCENTAGES BY OWNERSHIP Casino’s Circus Circus, Casino 7.74%Circus Circus, Casino 7.74% Club Cal-Neva 2.71%Club Cal-Neva 2.71% Eldorado Casino 16.33%Eldorado Casino 16.33% Harrah’s Casino 5.93%Harrah’s Casino 5.93% Silver LegacySilver Legacy 7.62% Total 40.32% Total 40.32% Non-Casino Businesses Montage Commercial 0.58%Montage Commercial 0.58% Palladio Commercial 2.28%Palladio Commercial 2.28% Whitney Peak 2.22%Whitney Peak 2.22% Riverside 12 Theater Complex 4.10%Riverside 12 Theater Complex 4.10% N. NV Urban Development 0.79%N. NV Urban Development 0.79% Miscellaneous Businesses 13.32%Miscellaneous Businesses 13.32% Total 23.29% Total 23.29% 6/13/2016 City of Reno
PERCENTAGES BY OWNERSHIP Residential Montage Complex 26.18%Montage Complex 26.18% Palladio Complex (all parcels)Palladio Complex (all parcels)10.21% Total 36.39% 6/13/2016City of Reno9 Assessed Property Value Total - $ 80,267,719 Residential, Non Casino Business and Casino Total – 585
6/13/2016City of Reno10 Downtown Maintenance District Advisory Committee Special Assessment District (SAD) Committee Meetings held bi-monthly at City Hall Membership Term – Two Years Appointed By – Mayor and Council Chair Holders Represent – Council Liaison, Eldorado Casino, Circus Circus, Harrah’s Entertainment, Harrah’s Reno, Club Cal Neva and Four Downtown Residents
Program Services Sidewalk Cleaning – The SAD contains approximately 283,444 total square feet of sidewalk space. All sidewalks are cleaned on a regular basis using pressure washers, scrubber/sweep machine and pan & broom. 6/13/2016City of Reno11
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Program Services Sidewalk Sealing – All stamped concrete sidewalks are sealed three times per year. Installing special event and UNR banners 6/13/2016City of Reno15
Program Services Trash Receptacle Cleaning - Pressure washing Trash Receptacle Cleaning - Pressure washing Alley Cleaning- 32,823 square feet Alley Cleaning- 32,823 square feet Tree Well Cleaning - Debris Removal Tree Well Cleaning - Debris Removal 6/13/2016City of Reno16
Program Services Riverwalk Maintenance Fountain operation, cleaning, plant care, irrigation repairs, painting 6/13/2016City of Reno17
Program Services Plant Maintenance & Replacement - Ornamental vegetation Plant Maintenance & Replacement - Ornamental vegetation Irrigation & Maintenance Repair - as needed Irrigation & Maintenance Repair - as needed Graffiti Removal - Ongoing as needed Graffiti Removal - Ongoing as needed Snow Removal - Winter months Snow Removal - Winter months 6/13/2016City of Reno18
Program Services Reno Arch Maintenance Emergency Repairs and Cleanup 6/13/2016City of Reno19
Operating Budget & Staffing Level Downtown Maintenance FY 14/15 Budget Review Salary for 2 FTE’s - $112,137 Salary for 2 PTE’s - $ 24,000 Benefits, Insurance, Medicare - $ 59,283 Overtime/Callback - $ 7,000 Supplies - $ 67,800 Outside Services - $ 85,000 Vehicles/Equipment - O&M and Replacement - $ 59,064 Total: $ 414,284 General Fund Contribution - $ 190,274 SAD Contribution - $ 224,010 6/13/2016City of Reno20
Operating Budget & Staffing Level Operating Budget & Staffing Level General Fund contribution increase for fiscal year 14/15 High Sierra Industries (HSI) - $ 80,000 Regular salaries - $ 1,387 Salaries for temp employees - $ 24,000 Supplies - $ 26,000 Misc Operating - $ 22,508 Total: $153,895 City of Reno216/13/2016
Outside Services 6/13/2016City of Reno22 City Council approved and funded a pilot program with High Sierra Industries (HSI) to provide Downtown Maintenance actives.
High Sierra Industries (HSI) Update HSI has been performing light maintenance activities in the Downtown core over the past 5 months. Their tasks include litter removal, pan and broom, planter/tree well cleaning and graffiti removal. Their working hours are commonly 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Thursday through Monday. HSI staff consists of one Supervisor, two Groundskeepers and two Groundskeeper trainees. To date HSI has submitted three invoices: 11/30/14 – 416 hours worked – total invoice amount: $ 6, /31/14 – hours worked – total invoice amount: $ 8, /31/15 – hours worked – total invoice amount: $10, Total: $ 24, Remaining balance of contract: $ 55, /13/2016City of Reno23
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Questions? 6/13/2016City of Reno33