All About NAV Budgets Tammy Rempfer Client Account Manager Sikich LLP
@NAVUG Creation of Budgets Manually Copy prior year budget Copy actual GL values Create +/- adjustment factor on copied values Export to Excel for data entry or modification and import back into NAV (accumulate or replace)
@NAVUG Dimensionality 2 Global dimensions Up to 4 additional shortcut Dimensions Project dimension can be used to compare Actual to Budget for specific tasks, campaigns, etc. Export to Excel allows for creation by each dimension
@NAVUG Audit Trail Use Description field to trace when entries created Create a Master Budget Copy from this Master Budget for modifications and forecasts Record separate line entries for modifications to better track changes
@NAVUG Creation of Budget Manually Create descriptive name Show as Lines: “G/L Account” Show as Columns: “Period” Filters: Date Filter: Budget period G/L Account Filter: Range of accounts for budgeting (generally income statement accounts) Set view for monthly time frame Manually enter amounts by month within budget entries window Create Budget: “Amount by Period” Allocates same amount across all the months Set necessary filters
@NAVUG Creation of Budget by Copying Create Budget: “From History” Used for individual account copy Set necessary filters Set percentage change, if needed Copy Budget Source: Actual or Budget Choose G/L account range to copy Choose needed adjustment factor
@NAVUG Creation of Budget using Excel Export to Excel Set needed filters Start Date: budget date range No. of Periods: 12 (generally) Period Length: 1M (generally) Flag to include totaling formulas for crosscheck Modify as needed by using standard Excel functionality for copying/pasting (do not change template layout) Import: use detailed description for future review of values and when created
@NAVUG Adding Dimensions Manually Display appropriate dimension column, set value as needed Copy Choose appropriate dimension values as needed from Options tab Export to Excel Create new worksheet for each Dimension Value (i.e., if departments are ADM, SALES, and PROD will have 3 separate worksheets, one for each department)
@NAVUG Reporting Account Schedules Trial Balance/Budget Export to Excel