Project Planning 1. Statement of work: written description of what is to be done 2. All activities are identified. Activity = job that requires labor, resources, and time. 3. Precedence (sequential) relationship is established 4. Activities are scheduled (time estimates) 5. Completion time is determined 6. Compare completion time with project objective and determine if project time reduction is needed 7. Determine resource requirements
Identifying Work to be Done (work plan) Work breakdown Structure (WBS) forms basis of work plan. 1.Break work into manageable activities 2. Define work as independent activities that can be scheduled, and monitored. To manage a whole project, one must manage and control each activity.
WBS -- shows top to bottom level project 1.Project 2.Major tasks in the project 3.Subtasks in the major tasks 4.Activities wbs anlat Project X Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
. 4 In project planning: -List of activities are needed to make up the project -For each activity there are predecessors project network represents precedence relationships between activities.
Event = completion or beginning of activity Activities are defined by beginning & ending events – Example: Activity 2-3 or Activity A Activity must have unique beginning & ending events Dummy Activity shows precedence for two activities with same start & end nodes Dummy activities consume no time or resources Network Terms Activities are shown as a network of precedence relationships using: Activity-On-Node (AON) Activity-On-Arrow (AOA)
. 6 AOA Network Representation Tasks are represented by arcs –Precedence relations are shown by “arcs” A path is a sequence of linked tasks going from beginning to end 32 Activity “A” must be completed before activity “B” starts, or 1 Activity “1-2” must be completed before activity “2-3” starts AB
3122 AOA Project Network Network (precedence) diagram Network consists of branches & nodes 13 Branch (Activity) Node (Event) Construct formsPour concrete Eg.
2 4 Years Activity (Arrow) Register Receive diploma Project: Obtain a college degree Event (Node) Attend class, study etc. 1 Event (Node) Network Terms 1 A B A & B can occur concurrently 23 Activity Relationships
A B C A must be done before C & D can begin D Activity Relationships A B E C B & C must be done before E can begin D
. 10 While constructing AOA network : 1.Number nodes so that completion node always has a larger number than beginning node. 2.Two nodes can be connected by one arc otherwise it is necessary to use a dummy activity that takes zero time.
Concurrent Activities 23 Lay foundation Order material (a)Incorrect precedence relationship (b)Correct precedence relationship 3 42 Dummy Layfoundation Order material Incorrect : Dummy activity Correct Dummy Activity Example
Activity-on-Arrow Network Fundamentals AOA anlat
Partial AOA Network
Activity-on-Arrow Network
Activity-on-Node Network Fundamentals
Complete Network AON
. 19
. 20
. 21
A-Locate facilities C-Order furniture F-Furniture setup B-Interview E-Hire and train D-Remodel G- Move in AOA
A-Locate facilities C-Order furniture F-Furniture setup B-Interview D-Remodel G- Move in 4 E-Hire and train 7S AON Project Network – Activity on Node In AON, nodes represent activities and arrows show precedence relationships
Path = Sequence of activities from starting node to finishing node Critical path = longest path; determines project duration. Project cannot be finished in less than time of critical path Critical activities = Activities on critical path Slack = Allowable slippage for path; difference between length of path and length of critical path
Lay foundation Design house and obtain financing Order and receive materials Dummy Finish work Select carpet Select paint Build house All Possible Paths A: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – = 9 months; the critical path B: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – = 8 months C: 1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – = 8 months D: 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6 – = 7 months AOA Project Network for a House
Example weeks 6 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 9 weeks 11 weeks 1 week Locate facilities Order furniture Furniture setup Interview Hire and train Remodel Move in Critical Path