Software Structure The World Bank Christopher R. Bennett Director - Data Collection Ltd.
HDM-4 Structure Input Data Application Options Data Configuration Data
HDM-4 Folders - The HDM-4 folders resemble Windows Explorer folders, but these items of information are not actual Windows folders, they are components of an HDM-4 Workspace. - An HDM-4 Workspace is a Database that contains all input, application options and configuration data for a given study.
HDM-4 Workspace Windows folder where HDM-4 Workspace is located - There could be many HDM-4 Workspaces on the hard disk, which are located on different Windows folders. - An HDM-4 Workspace Database is composed of the following files: OBJECTS.DAT AND OBJECTS.IDX, which can be copied from one Windows folder to another.
HDM-4 Case Studies äISOHDM Case Studies l Included on the HDM-4 CD ROM l Documented on Volume 2: Application Guide C:\Program Files\HDM-4\Case Studies\Eng äWorld Bank Case Studies l Provided by the World Bank C:\HDM-4 Data\WB Case Studies HDM-4 Workspace Windows Folders
HDM-4 Export/Import Options You can export or import each item of information to or from a Dbase file. Dbase files are used to connect HDM-4 with a Pavement Management System or Excel. Export or Import Dbase Files
HDM-4 Run Data Directory - The HDM-4 Run Data Directory contains all the output files referred to an HDM-4 run to be reported or exported HDM-4 Run Data Directory
HDM-4 Run Data Directory on Generate Reports - The HDM-4 Run Data Directory contains all the output files referred to an HDM-4 run used to produce the reports HDM-4 Run Data Directory
HDM-4 File Structure äHDM-4 Workspace - Input Data - Applications Options Data - Configuration Data äHDM-4 Run Data Directory - Output Data Optionally one per HDM-4 Run One per HDM-4 Study HDM-4 Runs
Linking HDM-4 to External Systems 4 HDM-4 RDBMS Inventory Survey RD Calibration Work Programs Projects Special * Reports Configuration Data etc.
Road Network Import Format
Road Network Sample File
Data Interface Schematic Roads Defaults Model Calibration