Welcome To: Visio Training Instructor: Glenn Romano Class will start at Approximately 8:05 AM
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Introduction to Visio & Connecting Shapes Introduction to the Visio Start Screen and user interface Exploring Visio templates Use Smart Shapes (Stencils – Drawing Shapes) Drawing Page Tabs Stencils for Quick Shapes Agile Status Bar Add shapes with mini-toolbar (automatic alignment and spacing) Modify and add text to shapes Connect shapes Align and space automatically Create hyperlinks Visio 2013-Module 1
Module 2: Create Complex Shapes, Templates, Stencils & Styles Create open and closed shapes Modify, group, and combine shapes Use scaling and layers Area for frequently used shapes Preview formatting changes Using Containers Create and edit stencils Duplicate pages Save templates Linking data to shapes from external data sources (Excel or SharePoint) Define styles for text, line and fill Visio 2013-Module 2