Marketing, Media and Development Society of St. Vincent de Paul Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Marketing Material – Cookbook
Cookbook Basics – A Recipe for Success A cookbook is an opportunity for both: –Development (Relationship Building) –Media Relations It is a great project, but with a lot of details. So what is the recipe for a successful effort?
Recipe for Success – Ingredients Make the Decision to Do a Cookbook –Cost (10,000 $6.48 a copy = $64,800) –Development & Media Infrastructure –Cookbook Committee Leadership Structure –Decide on a Publishing Company –Decide on type of cookbook (Your Theme)
Cookbook Recipe Steps First step in putting together a cookbook is to form a Cookbook Committee. –A committee consisting of approximately 15 individuals. This committee’s purpose is to first examine the feasibility of doing a cookbook. –The ingredients mentioned above - plus can your Society obtain good recipes that go with your theme? Once your committee helps you make the decision to go forward then the committee’s primary function is to lead the project.
Committee Steps Decide on Cookbook Publishing Company. –We decided on Favorite Recipes Press (FRP). –Our Contact: Roger Conner at (615) office, (877) toll free, (615) cell or by –They provide technical information, send you all materials needed and even an opportunity to go to their Cookbook University. –They will let you talk with a project coordinator, a project editor and a copy editor. Finalize Your Theme. Next step collect recipes. Begin the process of cover and inside design.
Committee Steps Once you have finalized your cover design then start your development process. Note: Integrate it with your overall development program – more to come. Make a decision of how much you want to raise in support. –Due to other development efforts, our goal was to pay for about 40% of the book. –Executive Chef Level -$1,000 or more & Chef Level -$500 to $999 Make a decision of how much you want to raise in support. –Target your prospects and pursue. Make a decision on the retail price of your cookbook.
Committee Steps back to the Recipes Collect recipes. Go through and test. Do a test tasting event. Decide what recipes make the book. Begin chapter openers and tie in the Society’s Mission. Overall book design and layout – details, details, details and more proofreading than you can imagine.
Cookbook Has Arrived Prior to cookbook arrival put together a press packet on the book and make public relations contact with local magazines, newspapers and television outlets. Set a kick-off date/press conference. Promote! Promote! Promote! Do pre-sales! Do promotional events – like Whole Foods, Churches, etc.
Channels of Distribution How are you going to sell your books? –Make a strategic decision & formulate a marketing time line. We have sold books: –Through ad/newsletter sales, internet sales, thrift stores, phone, promotions, SVDP events, etc. –We have not done book stores or because of our strategy.
Catholic Newspaper Ad
A Permanent Development Tool This is a wonderful development tool. –It will sit on a coffee table or on the shelf of a SVDP supporter constantly reminding them of our mission and work. Integrate this into your local SVDP development plan.
Comprehensive Development Program Successful Fund Development Has Key Elements! Effective Communications/Public Relations Creating a Culture of Giving Media Relations Television Beacons of Light Television Show Radio Newsprint Diocesan Paper Parish Bulletins Secular Paper City Social Papers/Outlets
Development Program Continued Internal Elements Be Consistent Newsletter Direct Mail Appeals – Examples - (Requires Data Base) Catholic Newspaper Inserts Monthly Giving Program Informational Mailings Advertising Website
Development Continued Relationship Building is what Fund /Resource Development is all about! You want to build relationships with: Financial Supporters Honor Luncheons All Media Outlets Foundations/HUD Office, etc. (Matching Grants) Corporate Relationships – Next workshop will cover this area. Make them knock on your door!
Special Campaigns Innovative Campaigns Uniforms for Kids Partners- WAFB Channel 9, Chase, Kean’s the Cleaner Fill A Prescription for the Needy Partners- WBRZ Channel 2, Baton Rouge Clinic & l00 local pharmacies Sweet Dreams Area Churches Bishop Ott Shelter Collection Drive Partners- WGMB, WVLA, WB Ch. 10 & WZUP.
Other Development Programs Car Donation Programs Planned Giving – Our League of Angels Program Special Events –Count Your Blessings Supper –Annual SVDP Golf Classic Integrate Thrift Store Efforts –Television –Newspapers –Be Creative – Use Differentiation
Consider Creating a Local SVDP Foundation Society of St. Vincent de Paul Foundation –Next Step for a Development Program –Steps are easy Change corporate structure Incorporate as Foundation by applicable state laws Apply for Foundation Status Form Foundation Board & Begin Operations
Strategic Fund Development Critical Success Factors –Integrate all development & public relations efforts –Have great internal & external PR –Focus on Relationships! Strategic Fund Development can make your Vincentian Visions a Reality!
If you want more information… Contact: Michael Acaldo, Dianne Muchow or Lisa Hubble at (225) (383-SVDP), ext. 0 or by