NeedToKnow DYK? WriteToLearn is a CCSS literacy tool for all students - especially beneficial for ELLs because of the multilingual support and ELL specific content?
Meet Our Guest Order Processing Order Processing Resources Resources Live Webinars! Live Webinars! Order Processing Order Processing Resources Resources Live Webinars! Live Webinars! Grace Stopani National Grants and Funding Manager Colorado Springs, CO
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Live Overview Training (1/2) A sample pre-sales presentation ✪ What is WriteToLearn and How it Works Student and Teacher applications Proven Results 2:30 EST
How to Demo WriteToLearn (2/2) the power of the program ✪ Know what features to highlight Ease of working with the program Resources for YOU 2:30 EST
WriteToLearn-NeedToKnow March 10, 2014 at 12:00 pm CST Grants & Funding with Grace Stopani ✪ 2:30 EST
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