Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Country Support Needs to Mainstream.


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Presentation transcript:

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Country Support Needs to Mainstream Climate Resilience into Planning and Budgeting Ashley Palmer Capacity Development Program Specialist UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre 30 th September 2013

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Overview of Session 15 minutes (15:45-16:00) –Presentation: Key concepts and issues related to institutional mainstreaming of climate resilience initiatives at the country level 1 hour (16:00 – 17:00) –Group work in country teams 1 hour (17:00 – 18:00) –Groups report back to plenary on key points from group discussions; feedback on support needs

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Institutionalization and Mainstreaming How can these concepts be understood in the context of climate resilience and country systems? Embedding a capacity building program within a broader institutional system; into existing decision making processes; into existing national systems (including for planning, budgeting, coordination, consultation, information sharing, M&E); but also identifying gaps in systems Integrating a capacity building program with other similar/complementary initiatives (linking ECCA to initiatives such as NAP formulation) Considering Capacity Development (CD) needs: the multiple dimensions and levels of capacity

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Capacity Development needs are consistently mentioned, in all their complexity: national/sub-national; technical/sectoral and functional/cross-cutting; short and long term CD needs; Govt and other stakeholders Technical and Functional Capacities –Technical capacities: includes skills in the area of economics of climate change adaptation –Functional capacities: cross cutting; enable the “use” of technical skills Considering Capacity Development Needs in the Context of Mainstreaming

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action A Systems Approach to Capacity Development Institutions and Systems

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Overarching Context The focus on mainstreaming and institutional Capacity Development (CD) here is relevant at many levels: There is recognition of the persistence of “capacity development needs” and “capacity gaps” Preparation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) will also require integration of climate risks into existing development planning and budgeting systems, in a cross-sectoral manner, and therefore an understanding of CD needs at country level Overall, there are increasing levels of complexity in addressing development challenges: more actors; more need for collaboration; more pressure on resources and competing priorities

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Country Specific Analysis The analysis of support needs (for mainstreaming climate resilience into planning/budgeting) will need to be specific to each context/country, so that support can be tailored –Consider issues of policy framework; decision-making and leadership; accountability mechanisms; knowledge sharing/management; stakeholder engagement (within and outside Government) –Analyze what is already ongoing –Consider issues of sustainability

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Working Group Discussion Scenario: Your country team has been asked to make a proposal for a 2-year support program to mainstream climate resilience into planning and budgeting processes. You have 1 hour to analyze what is needed and propose the main components of such a program. Issues for consideration: Analyze what initiatives are already underway to build capacity to integrate climate into planning/budgeting; what is working and what is not? Consider whether there has been adequate analysis of the capacity needs for mainstreaming Consider the priority needs through the framework of technical/functional; training and institutional strengthening

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action “2-year program to build capacity for mainstreaming climate into pl/bd” At the end of one hour, your country team proposal should include: 1.Are there additional analyses/assessments needed to further define the program? 2.Who will be the key target groups of the program (e.g. Parliament? Local government? Private sector?) and why? 3.What types of capacities need to be strengthened, for each target group (technical skills in particular areas; awareness; policy making) 4.How will this program build on existing initiatives? What additional support is required and from whom? 5.What is needed for your program to be sustainable at the end of two years? 6.How to know if the program has been successful and achieved results? Be as specific as possible, within the limits of one hour…

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Mechanics Discuss in country teams for 1 hour Nominate one person from your country team to make a brief presentation back to the plenary (5-7 minutes per country team) Take down key points on flip chart paper, so our team can have a record of each team’s discussions and ideas

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Thank you