Date of download: 6/2/2016 Copyright © The American College of Cardiology. All rights reserved. From: The impact of plasma levels of C-reactive protein, lipoprotein (a) and homocysteine on the long-term prognosis after successful coronary stenting: The global evaluation of new events and restenosis after stent implantation study J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;40(8): doi: /S (02) ROC curves of biochemical markers for the primary end point (A) and cutoff points for CRP (B) or Lp(a) (C). ROC area was 0.77; 95% CI 0.70 to 0.83; p < 0.001, ROC area 0.67; 95% CI 0.60 to 0.72; p < 0.001, ROC area 0.51; 95% CI 0.44 to 0.59; p = 0.71 for CRP, Lp(a) and tHCY, respectively. CRP = C-reactive protein; Lp(a) = lipoprotein(a); Se = sensitivity; Sp = specificity; tHCY = total homocysteine. Figure Legend:
Date of download: 6/2/2016 Copyright © The American College of Cardiology. All rights reserved. From: The impact of plasma levels of C-reactive protein, lipoprotein (a) and homocysteine on the long-term prognosis after successful coronary stenting: The global evaluation of new events and restenosis after stent implantation study J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;40(8): doi: /S (02) Distribution of the three-year composite primary end point or its components between the subgroups of the studied biochemical markers. CD = cardiac death; CPE = composite primary end point; CRP = C-reactive protein; Lp(a) = lipoprotein(a); MI = nonfatal myocardial infarction; tHCY = total homocysteine; UA = rehospitalization for rest unstable angina. *p = after adjustment for the other univariate predictors of the event. Figure Legend:
Date of download: 6/2/2016 Copyright © The American College of Cardiology. All rights reserved. From: The impact of plasma levels of C-reactive protein, lipoprotein (a) and homocysteine on the long-term prognosis after successful coronary stenting: The global evaluation of new events and restenosis after stent implantation study J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;40(8): doi: /S (02) Kaplan-Meier curves of the composite primary end point between the groups of CRP (A), Lp(a) (B), and tHCY (C) defined by the cutoff points of these biochemical markers. CRP = C-reactive protein; Lp(a) = lipoprotein(a); tHCY = total homocysteine. Figure Legend:
Date of download: 6/2/2016 Copyright © The American College of Cardiology. All rights reserved. From: The impact of plasma levels of C-reactive protein, lipoprotein (a) and homocysteine on the long-term prognosis after successful coronary stenting: The global evaluation of new events and restenosis after stent implantation study J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;40(8): doi: /S (02) Distribution of the one-year incidence of CLR, ISR or PTSL between the subgroups of the studied biochemical markers. CLR = clinical recurrence of symptoms; CRP = C-reactive protein; ISR = in-stent restenosis; Lp(a) = lipoprotein(a); PTSL = progression to significant lesion; tHCY = total homocysteine. *p = after adjustment for the other univariate predictors of the event. Figure Legend: