Project INNOCARE- Innovative solutions in care of elderly living at home Lea Kivipõld
Project INNOCARE Financed by Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme
The main target of the project Improving quality of life and increased safety and security of elderly citizens living at their homes, wich will be acheived through using innovative technology and methods in home care.
Partner organizations Tallinn University Rakvere College Rakvere City Government Lääne-Viru College P.Stradins Medical College of the University of Latvia Cesis municipal agency “Social service” Ape Area Council Nacka municipality
Activities in Rakvere Examination about rediness of elderly for participating in project; Supervision for professional care givers; Support group for family care givers; Studitrips for proffessional care givers to Finland and Latvia; Trainings for proffessional care givers and family care givers
Supervision for professional care givers have been 17 times already
Support group for family care givers The group come together once a mounth 2 hours People can get support and guidance from eachother and from the lider of group. Meetings have been12 times already
Alarm buttons and care phone system
Training of support group for family care givers Family care givers had trainings in theme – useing electronik equipment for care First aid course 2 days Course of conflictology 3 days