The Argonne High Energy Physics Division H.Weerts Argonne HEP Division May 22, 2013 Comparative review of laboratory Intensity Frontier programs, May 20-23,


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Presentation transcript:

The Argonne High Energy Physics Division H.Weerts Argonne HEP Division May 22, 2013 Comparative review of laboratory Intensity Frontier programs, May 20-23, 2013, Gaithersburg, MD Overview

2 Argonne HEP science program overview Neutrino physics MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD  Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems “Science” program ILC R&D (AAI) SCRF, positron source, controls system LCs IF lab review ; May 20-23, 2013, H.Weerts Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier THE Frontier Strong support groups: Electronics group, serves several divisions; design & build Mechanical support group; design & build Computing support & Scientific Computing for ATLAS 2012 Astro physics VERITAS DES SPTpol LSST Future: CTA-US SPT-3G Collider physics CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & ILC & CLIC)

3 Argonne HEP science program overview Intensity Frontier MINOS analysis Nova Double Chooz LBNE g-2 Advanced Acc. R&D AWA facility (dielec. wakefield, two beam, LC concept) Accel. Physics SCRF new directions Theory Pheno. BSM & QCD  Collider program Cosmic Frontier Need theory & exp. for physics Detector R&D LAPD ( new photo detectors) DHCAL ( digital gas HCAL) DAQ systems New sensors Trigger systems IF lab review ; May 20-23, 2013, H.Weerts THE Frontier Strong support groups: Electronics group, serves several divisions; design & build Mechanical support group; design & build Computing support & Scientific Computing for ATLAS 2013 Cosmic Frontier VERITAS DES SPTpol LSST Future: CTA-US SPT-3G Energy Frontier CDF analysis ATLAS ( analysis center & upgrade); computing LC longer term (R&D & ILC & CLIC)

4 IF lab review ; May 20-23, 2013, H.Weerts

5 Revised spreadsheet with color coding & Peter Winter Last NameFirst NameInstitutionLab PositionTasks FTE fractionType of SupportDescription of primary activity GoodmanMauryANLPhysicist, Group LeaderLBNE0.50ResearchDeputy Spokesperson GoodmanMauryANLPhysicist, Group LeaderMINOS0.25ResearchAnalysis GoodmanMauryANLPhysicist, Group LeaderDouble Chooz0.25ResearchAnalysis TalagaRichardANLPhysicistNOvA1.00ResearchExtrusion Management MagillSteveANLPhysicistNOvA1.00ResearchRun Coordinator DjurcicZelimirANLAssistant PhysicistDouble Chooz0.50ResearchAnalysis DjurcicZelimirANLAssistant PhysicistNOvA0.25ResearchBeam studies DjurcicZelimirANLAssistant PhysicistLBNE0.25ResearchDetector Development PaleyJonathanANLAssistant PhysicistNOvA0.75ResearchAnalysis Coordinator PaleyJonathanANLAssistant PhysicistLBNE0.25ResearchDetector Development WinterPeterANLAssistant PhysicistMuon (g-2)1.00ResearchDetector Development GoodenoughLisaANLPostdoctoral AppointeeDouble Chooz0.50ResearchAnalysis GoodenoughLisaANLPostdoctoral AppointeeNOvA0.50ResearchSoftware HimansuSahooANLPostdoctoral AppointeeNOvA1.00ResearchAnalysis SuterLouiseANLPostdoctoral AppointeeNOvA0.60ResearchSoftware SuterLouiseANLPostdoctoral AppointeeLBNE0.40ResearchDetector Development SanchezMaylyIowa State/ ANLJoint AppointmentNOvA0.10ResearchDetector Development AnghelIoannaIowa State/ ANLPostdoctoral AppointeeLBNE0.50ResearchAnalysis/ software SchreinerPhilip Benedictine UniversityPhysicistMINOS0.10No PayAnalysis YangGuangIIT/ ANLResident AssociateDouble Chooz1.00ResearchAnalysis DiazEnriqueMSU/ ANLResident AssociateNOvA1.00ResearchAnalysis FieldsTomANLretiredMINOS AyresDavidANLretiredNOvA

IF lab review ; May 20-23, 2013, H.Weerts 6 Evolution & Demographics: Junior members of group J.Paley Z.Djurcic “Neutrino” group (2009) P.Winter Intensity Frontier (2012) – muon flavor program “Neutrino” group (2009) Mayly Sanchez, (joint appointment with ISU) NSF Career Award & Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award (2009) & PECASE award in 2012 “Neutrino” group -- initially in group Relatively young group

7 IF lab review ; May 20-23, 2013, H.Weerts The End of Introduction At end will show slides with budget numbers and FTE summaries/activity for FY12 through FY16. Lets do some science first.