The new SEND in a nutshell Annesley Primary School September 3 rd 2015 Delivered by Tara Whitehouse
The code of practice says….. “ Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.” SEND CoP 6.36
And…. “Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching.” SEND CoP 6.37 “Schools should regularly and carefully review the quality of teaching for all pupils, including those at risk of underachievement. This includes reviewing and, where necessary, improving, teachers’ understanding of strategies to identify and support vulnerable pupils and their knowledge of the SEN most frequently encountered.” SEND CoP 6.37
A Graduated Response to SEN
1. Standard Provision For all pupils (including those with SEN) Good Quality Teaching CPD Regular Assessment Lessons planned to address potential areas of difficulty Removing barriers
2. SEN Additional Support Group Interventions/boosters to reinforce learning Sharing specific information between settings and staff Additional consideration at key transitional points Some children in this group may need to become SEND Support for a while in the future.
3. SEND Support Access to provision which is additional to and different from what is normally available MUST involve parents MUST use their best endeavours to ensure needs are met MUST identify and address a pupils SEN MUST provide careers guidance Records such as SEND Support plan should be shared with parents and all staff with specific agreed outcomes for the individual pupil a description of the pupils needs Specialist services should be involved where necessary
Model of support and intervention Graduated Response Assess plan do review
The next step
We have already made a start… Written the SEND policy Publish information on the LA Local Offer Developed a new key information sheet Revising the SEND filing system Moved SA/SA+ children into the new SEND categories.
Next we need to… Change IEPs over to the Pupil Profile format Collect and collate evidence to show what provision has been used in addition to and different from what is normally available. Write the SEND report for parents/governors
It starts with a conversation... “In identifying a child as needing SEN support the class or subject teacher, working with the SENCO, should carry out a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs.” SEND CoP 6.45 “Where it is decided to provide a pupil with SEN support, the parents must be formally notified, although parents should have already been involved in forming the assessment of needs as outlined above.” SEND CoP 6.48
Communication is key... For any child moving beyond Quality First Teaching Discuss barriers to learning with Intervention Leaders, Subject Leaders, Key Stage leaders, TAs etc. Inform SENCo and Head teacher Ensure all relevant information is given to all staff e.g. TAs, MDSAs, class helpers, students Inform parents/carers Add information onto Key Information Sheet
New requirements for SEN support Every child placed at SEN support should have a termly provision map This MUST now be shared and reviewed with parents/carers every term The code of practice states that parents of SEN support children must have three meetings a year to discuss progress
Any Questions? Thank you for being patient and a brilliant audience!