Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman BY Gerrit Pearson
Family born November 7, 1888, Trichinopoly, India died November 21, 1970, Bangalore Second child of family
Early Life Born to R. Chandrasekhara Iyer His mother tongue At an early age Raman moved to the city of Vizag, Andhra Pradesh Studied in St.Aloysius Anglo-Indian High School entered Presidency College, Chennai,
What made him famous First Indian to win Nobel prize Discovery of the Raman effect Nobel laureate in physics His father being a mathematician
Honors Awards won He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society He was knighted Won Nobel Prize in Physics Won Lenin Peace Prize Won Bharat Ratna
What he did to win Nobel Prize The discovery of the Raman effect A method of chemical analysis with solids, liquids, and gases. Raman systems finds was to identify and characterise the chemistry and structure of materials in a non-contacting, non- destructive manner.
Personal Life retired from the Indian Institute of Science in 1948 established the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore, Karnataka He served as its director He was married on 6 May 1907 to Lokasundari Ammal Had a son Radhakrishnan.
Publications in 1909 The Small Motion at the Nodes of a Vibrating String The Maintenance of Forced Oscillations of a New Type The Ectara J. Indian Math
Bharat Ratna the highest degrees of national service includes artistic, literary, and scientific achievements, as well as recognition Unlike knights the Bharat Ratna carry no special title nor any other honorifics but they do have a place in the Indian order of precedence.
Lenin Peace Prize was the Soviet Union's equivalent to the Nobel Peace Prize named in honor of Vladimir Lenin the Lenin Peace Prize was awarded to several people a year awarded to prominent Communists and supporters of the Soviet Union who were not Soviet citizens.
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