Welcome to the Key Stage One Curriculum Meeting
Mrs Houghton Mr Jariwala Ms Mitchell Mrs Applebee- Lewis Miss Patel Mrs Chauhan Miss Brown Mrs Doudia Miss Chauhan
Year One Animals including humans Can children compare animals at home? Different groups of animals Can children name their body parts and the 5 senses? Play senses games at home, what can you see, hear, smell, taste, touch?
Autumn Go on walks around the local area. Observe seasonal changes and bring in anything interesting you find.
Pirates! Maps Draw you own maps Grouping and sorting materials Understanding waterproof materials
Year One English Wishing Tales - Owl Babies Do a bird watch at home Rehearsing sentences before writing Word of the week!
Year One Maths 1-10 Counting Number formation – practice writing numbers properly
Year Two What are our similarities? Differences? Thinking about feelings Jackson Pollock art
Are you healthy? Healthy living, food and exercise. Florence Nightingale Mary Seacole
Celebrations! Diwali Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night Christmas - production
Year Two Maths Times Tables 2,5,10&3 1 more, 1less & 10 more, 10 less than any number to 100 Knowing all pairs of numbers that make any number to 20 e.g – 13 = , 7 + 6, , 4 + 9
Journey stories – Mr Big Practice daily sentence writing at home Orally rehearse sentences before writing Word of the week! Year Two English
P.E PE kit in school White T-shirt Black shorts or jogging trousers Pumps Named and in a bag C.E Jewellery
Homework in for a Wednesday Daily reading and spellings Spelling test on a Thursday
Gates open 8:40 Bell goes 8:45
Questions? Feel free to come and speak to staff