Chapter 16.2 Vocabulary/Two Column Notes The War in the East
War in Virginia First Battle of Bull Run (July 1861): General Irvin McDowell vs General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson/first major battle of the Civil War/Also known as First Battle of Manassas Bull Run/Manassas ●Confederate Victory Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson: Confederate General/stood like a stone wall at First Battle of Bull Run ●Dashed Union hopes of winning the war quickly ●Spectators gathered around to watch/kept Union from retreating together
War in Virginia More Battles in Virginia ●Lincoln knew the Union needed a better trained army George B. McClellan: General who assembled 100,000 highly disciplined soldiers/Called Army of the Potomac ●After months of training, McClellan hesitated to attack the Confederate army ●Spring of 1862 McClellan launches an attack on Richmond called the Peninsular Campaign Robert E. Lee: Graduate of Military Academy at West Point/Lincoln asked Lee to lead the Union Army….he declined/Becomes General of Confederate army in Virginia
War in Virginia More Battles in Virginia ●June 26th, Lee and the Confederates launch the Seven Days’ Battles forcing the Union to retreat near Richmond, Virginia ●Lincoln ordered General John Pope to march directly on to Richmond Second Battle of Bull Run: Jackson and Pope fight a three day battle that ends in a Confederate victory ❖ Robert E. Lee decides to take the war to the North
Battle of Antietam ●Half his men went with Stonewall Jackson to Harpers Ferry, Virginia/Captured town ●September 4, 1862 Robert E. Lee divided his 40,000 man army ●Lee took his men to Frederick, Maryland/urged people to join confederates/they refused ●Copy of Lee’s battle plan is found at abandoned Confederate camp ●McClellan and Lee meet at Antietam Creek, Maryland on September 17, 1862 Battle of Antietam: bloodiest single-day battle of the Civil War-- and of U.S. history ●Union won/Lee’s advancement stopped
Breaking the Union’s Blockade ●Union Navy controlled the sea/experienced naval officers/industry to build ships ●Confederacy got ships from British companies The Union Naval Strategy ●Block southern seaports/damage economy ●Reduced ships in southern ports from 6,000 to 800 per year/devastating Clash of the Ironclads Ironclads: ships heavily armored with iron ●Confederates received these from the British even though they were neutral ●Confederates captured the Merrimack, a Union ship/turned into ironclad/named it the Virginia
Breaking the Union’s Blockade The Union Naval Strategy ●Union had an ironclad called the Monitor/it was designed by swedish engineer John Ericsson ●The Monitor battled the Virginia in an effort to keep the Union blockade going/success ❖ The use of wind powered wooden ships was coming to an end