ESS DTL: Prototyping M.Comunian - F. Grespan – P. Mereu Lund– 10/04/2013F.Grespan
Contents Drift tube prototipes: PMQ Steerer BPM Tank copper plating Aluminum prototype F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013
AIR recommendations F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013
PMQ F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013 Rare earth block specifications (Sm2Co17): -Error Br < 3% -Error an Angle < 2deg -Dimension tolerances < 0.05mm – 0.1mm Assembly specifications: -Housing Material - Stainless Steel (316LN) -Outgassing rate per magnet below mbar l s-1 -Gradient integral error (rms) % -Magnetic versus geometric axis: < 0.1 mm -Harmonic content at 10 mm radius: Bn/B2 for n=3,4,...10: < Roll: 1 mrad Goal: -define assembly criticalities -verify feasibility of specifications → rectangular or trapezoidal magnets? -define magnetic measurement bench and procedure -tunability of the magnet
PMQ drift tube assembly F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013 Assembly PMQ into the Drift tube: -Criticalities on the procedure -EBW in presence of magnetic field -He leak test & acceptance -Water flow test -Magnet field map and orientation Installation on Linac4 Hot Prototype -Assembly on girder verification -Evaluate vacuum seal function -Perform outgassing measurement -Verify alignment stability -High power RF test at LNL (solid state amplifier) -Evaluate suitability of shipping DTL tank assembled
Steerer F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013 Design Requirements 1600 Gauss-cm BL product Fit within existing Drift Tubes Insulation system not hygroscopic Minimum of two horizontal and two vertical magnets/tank Respect to SNS design, to be defined: -Rigid or soft coils? -Core dimensions should be reduced to fit our Drift Tube
Steerer drift tube assembly F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013 Assembly PMQ into the Drift tube: Machine Cores Plate cores Insulate coils Assemble coils into Cores Flow checks/Ground insulation checks Assemble H/V Magnet into H/V Drift Tube Repeat Flow/Ground checks Add current flags & water fittings Magnetic testing Installation on Linac4 Hot Prototype -Assembly on girder verification -Evaluate vacuum seal function -Verify alignment -High power RF test Note: this is the SNS steerer tube. Present ESS design is different!
BPM drift tube assembly F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013 BPM provided by ESS diagnostic team DTube assembly procedure is the same of steerer case Alignment pins will be used to provide proper roll orientation of the instrument in the Drift Tube Alignment of the drift tube/BPM assembly will be accomplished by using the two fiducial holes in the side of the drift tube Installation on Linac4 Hot Prototype -Assembly on girder verification -Evaluate vacuum seal function -Verify alignment -High power RF test
5. Nose and beam pipe EBW Steerer/BPM assembly procedure F.GrespanLund– 10/04/ Brazing stem pipes and upper cups 2. EBW lower sleeve cup 3. separation ring and pipe insertion and EBW 4. External bodyand stem insertion and EBW 6. Girder screw and coolng channel sealing
Tank prototype Company S.Steel 2m rough tank provider Machining Girder and stem mount ports Vacuum ports Tuners/Post Couplers/ pickup holes End flanges Cooling channels (deep drill, external troughs, …?) Copper plating (GSI, CERN, qualified company, LNL facility development?) F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013
Low power model of Tank1 Scaled frequency (1.5 x 352MHz) aluminum DTL Tank1 ramped field law Training on RF measurements and tuning: Frequency range of slug tuners TM010 frequency Bead-perturbation measurements without post couplers tilt sensitivity Tune post couplers to stabilize the field Adjust post-coupler asymmetry to set the field distribution Measure the frequency effect of pumping slots Adjust the iris for desired coupling to external power supply F.GrespanLund– 10/04/2013