What are my beliefs, what guides my teaching practice? "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding." – Leonardo da Vinci
Personal Characteristics and Qualities Communication Style Knowledge of Differentiated Instruction Motivational Strategies Instructional Design
My Teacher Characteristics and Qualities Energized Motivated Organized Cyberized
My Credentials Masters in Art Education, FSU National Board Certified AP Art History Cyberized – harnessing 21 st Century skills
Andrew Churches (2009)
What does professional development (PD) look like for first-time online or blended learning teachers? Teacher preparation programs Mentoring PD by discipline In-house or outsourced training KEEPING PACE WITH K-12 ONLINE LEARNING 2011 Page 56
Nurture positive relationships Act Professional and friendly Use Clear speech and writing skills Promote partnering with students Collaborate with colleagues Listen and learn
Intro/technology overview Collaborative small-group work Advanced discussions Project presentations Guest Speakers Q&A sessions Model art critique dialogue Ragan (2007)
Seeking solutions Customize and personalize learning activities Seek services Collaborate with parents
Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources Utilize learning management system to monitor student mastery of goals
Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
Stimulate through Art, Music and humor Offer choices and multiple pathways Create Flipped instruction Discover student passions Anticipate challenges
What are the various interpretations of Willem de Kooning’s Woman I? Explain and justify what you think his work means.
Anticipate challenges, surprises
Instructional Design Expert Voicethread Khan Academy Learner.org Collaboration Social Media Use of Jing, Prezi, Present.me, Skype, Drop Box & Diigo
Annenberg Learner. (2013). Art Through Time Retrieved from Churches, A. (2010). 21 st Century Pedagogy Retrieved from ESE Guidelines References Individual Educational Plan District Wakulla Amended August 2010 Evergreen Education Group. (2012). Keeping Pace with K-12 Online & Blended Learning Figure 4 Khan Academy (2013). Retrieved from Ragan, L. (2007, August 28). Best Practices in Online Teaching - Pulling It All Together - Teaching Blended Learning Courses. Retrieved from the Connexions Web site: Prensky, M. (2010). Teaching Digital Natives. Thousand Oaks. Cassie Tucker Florida State University