THE BRANDT LINE There are enormous differences between countries in terms of poverty, wealth, population and way of life. These differences enable us to recognise two groups of countries – the developed countries of the rich North (Europe, North America, Australasia and Japan) and the less developed countries of the poor South (Africa, Central and Southern America, parts of Asia and the Middle East. There is no single factor which distinguishes MEDCs from LEDCs. The level of development in a country is related to many factors, some of which help development and some of which hinder it. However, there are certain factors that a low level of development is usually associated with.
More Economically Developed Countries Less Economically Developed Countries Income per Capita – countries with a high GDP are said to be more economically developed. Countries that have more industry based in the tertiary and quaternary sectors. Human Development Index – this measures a variety of elements including life expectancy, literacy as well as economic factors. If a country has a high HDI it is said to be more developed. Rapid population growth. Unbalanced exploitation of resources with dependence on just one or two exports. Lack of capital and stable government. Long standing and conservative traditions and attitudes. Poor and limited industrial development, with the bulk of the population being involved in primary or secondary industries. Poorly developed transport networks. Low income, low standards of living. RICH WORLD/POOR WORLD
Which of these photos show MEDCs and which LEDCs? What do the photo’s tell you about life in these countries?
FACTS AND FIGURES How many people per day are added to the world’s population? What is the population growth rate (%)? What is the current world population? How long will it take to double? For a population to remain stable women need to have 2.1 babies each. What is the average in Japan? What will have happened to the Japanese population by 3000? How many countries in the world are there with a zero or negative population growth rate? What percentage of population growth is in LEDCs? What will be the population of MEDCs by 2050? How does that compare to today? What was the population of LEDCs in 1995? What is it predicted to be in 2050? What do you notice about these figures? What is the growth rate and current population for the UK?
CURRENT ISSUES What are likely future trends in world population growth? Are we experiencing a population explosion or birth dearth? Both! LDCs: Population momentum MDCs: ageing.