32-2 Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall
How were the “plumbers” connected to President Nixon? The plumber’s leader, John Mitchell, was an official of the Committee to Reelect the President (CRP) John Mitchell had resigned his former position as Attorney General to run Nixon’s campaign. The White House Plumbers were a covert White House Special Investigations Unit established during the presidency of Richard Nixon. Its task was to stop the leaking of classified information to the news media. Its members branched into illegal activities working for the CRP, including the Watergate break-ins and the ensuing Watergate Scandal.
2. Who was the Judge? Why did he hand out maximum sentences? Judge John Sirica was the judge in the trial of the Watergate burglars He handed out maximum sentences in the hope that the burglars would identify others who were also involved
3. How were Mitchell and Dean connected to Nixon? Mitchell had been Nixon’s attorney general and was the director of the Committee to Reelect the President John Dean had been White House Counsel.
3. How were Haldeman and Erlichman connected to Nixon? H.R. Haldeman was Nixon’s Chief of Staff John Erlichman was Nixon’s Chief Domestic Counsel.
5. What did the following men tell the Senate about Nixon? Dean: Nixon was deeply involved in the cover-up Mitchell: If there was a cover-up, Nixon wasn’t involved Butterfield: Nixon had taped nearly all of his presidential conversations
6. Who was forced to resign in the Saturday Night Massacre? Saturday Night Massacre: Nixon’s firing of Justice Department officials including the special prosecutor investigating Watergate. Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor, took the president to court to get the tapes. Nixon refused and ordered Richardson to fire Cox. Richardson refused and resigned. The Deputy attorney general also refused and resigned. Solicitor General Robert Bork finally fired Cox, but his replacement, Leon Jaworski, was also determined to get the tapes
What did the transcripts show? Why weren’t investigators satisfied with the transcripts? Nixon’s use of vulgar language and his lack of concern about addressing the Watergate scandal. Investigators weren’t satisfied with the edited tapes and believed that only unedited tapes could provide evidence involving possible criminal activity. In fighting to keep from releasing the tapes, Nixon first released a transcript of the tapes and went on national TV to explain that. It didn't work.
What did the tapes reveal? That within a weak of the break-in, Nixon had known of his administration’s role in the burglary and had participated in the cover-up