Click to edit Master subtitle style PRESENTATION – PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE Presented by: Provincial Commissioner MNZ Mbombo NORTH WEST
CONTENTS North West Provincial Profile Crime Overview 2010/2011 Station Contributions Strategies & Interventions Sustenance of Strategies Conclusion
Geographic Profile of the Province % RSA Population North West Population ± 7 % (± 3 million) % RSA Land Surface North West Land Surface ± 10% (± sq km) sq km Police Population Ratio 1 : 377 Location of Provincial Head OfficePotchefstroom Clusters12 Police Stations82 PERSONNEL STRENGTH9 655 Police Act7 831 Public Service Act1 824
CRIME OVERVIEW 2010/2011 NORTH WEST Crime Category APR2009- MAR2010 APR2010- MAR2011% CHANGE CONTACT CRIMES (Against a person) Murder % Total Sexual Related Crime % Rape % Sexual Assault % Sexual Offences % All Assaults % Attempted murder % Assault GBH % Common assault % All Robberies % Robbery AGV (Incl. attempts) % Common robbery (Incl. attempts) % TOTAL CONTACT CRIMES (Against person) % CONTACT RELATED CRIMES Arson % Malicious damage to property %
CRIME OVERVIEW 2010/2011 (2) NORTH WEST Crime Category APR2009- MAR2010 APR2010- MAR2011 % CHANGE PROPERTY RELATED CRIMES All Burglaries % Burglary - residence (Incl. attempts) % Burglary - business (Incl. attempts) % Theft of motor vehicle & m/cycle (Incl. attempts) % Theft out of/ from motor vehicle (Incl. attempts) % Stock-theft % TOTAL PROPERTY RELATED CRIMES % CRIMES HEAVILY DEPENDANT ON POLICE ACTION FOR DETECTION Illegal possession of firearms and ammunition % Drug-related crime % Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs % TOTAL CRIMES HEAVILY DEPENDANT ON POLICE ACTION FOR DETECTION %
CRIME OVERVIEW 2010/2011 (3) NORTH WEST Crime Category APR2009- MAR2010 APR2010- MAR2011 % CHANGE OTHER SERIOUS CRIMES Theft other (Incl. attempts) % Fraud (Commercial crime) % Shoplifting % TOTAL OTHER SERIOUS CRIME % SUBCATEGORIES OF AGGRAVATED ROBBERY All Vehicle Hi-Jackings % Carjacking (subcategory of aggravated robbery) % Truck hijacking (subcategory of aggravated robbery) % Bank related robberies29350% Robbery of cash in transit (subcategory of aggravated robbery)29350% Bank robbery (subcategory of aggravated robbery)000% House Robbery (Incl. attempts)(subcategory of aggravated robbery) % Business robbery (incl. attempts) (subcategory of aggravated robbery) %
STATIONS CONTRIBUTION: CONTACT CRIMES. Top 20 Stations (64.02%) Rustenburg Boitekong Phokeng Mogwase Tlhabane Sun City Taung Mafikeng Mmabatho Wolmaranstad Lichtenburg Vryburg Klerksdorp Jouberton Kanana Brits Mooinooi Letlhabile Potchefstroom Ikageng
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level » Fifth level Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level » Fifth level STATIONS CONTRIBUTION: CONTACT CRIMES. Top 20 Stations (64.02%) STATION % CONTRIBUTION Rustenburg7.33% Brits5.73% Ikageng5.39% Jouberton4.58% Klerksdorp3.94% Mmabatho3.92% Boitekong3.3% Phokeng2.94% Mafikeng2.9% Lichtenburg2.87% STATION % CONTRIBUTION Mogwase2.65% Letlhabile2.58% Potchefstroom2.29% Taung2.25% Tlhabane2.22% Kanana1.89% Sun City1.88% Vryburg1.81% Wolmaransstad1.81% Mooinooi1.74%
STATIONS CONTRIBUTION: PROPERTY RELATED CRIMES. Top 20 Station (62.24%) Rustenburg Boitekong Phokeng Mogwase Tlhabane Sun City Taung Mafikeng Mmabatho Wolmaranstad Lichtenburg Vryburg Klerksdorp Jouberton Brits Mooinooi Letlhabile Hartbeespoort Potchefstroom Ikageng
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Sevent h Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level » Fifth level STATIONS CONTRIBUTION: PROPERTY RELATED CRIMES. Top 20 Station (62.24%) STATION % CONTRIBUTION Rustenburg10.94% Klerksdorp6.36% Brits5.92% Potchefstroom5.52% Mmabatho4.44% Tlhabane3.30% Hartbeespoortdam3.30% Jouberton3.16% Phokeng3.05% Mafikeng2.9% STATION % CONTRIBUTION Boitekong2.49% Ikageng2.45% Letlhabile2.22% Mogwase2.03% Lichtenburg2.03% Vryburg1.71% Taung1.62% Mooinooi1.53% Sun City1.44% Wolmaransstad1.35%
STATIONS CONTRIBUTION: CRIMES DEPENDENT ON POLICE ACTION. Top 20 Stations. (65.75%) Rustenburg Boitekong Phokeng Mogwase Tlhabane Marikana Taung Mmabatho Klerksdorp Kanana Orkney Khuma Brits Letlhabile Potchefstroom Ikageng Mothutlung Klipgat Makapanstad Zeerust
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Sevent h Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level » Fifth level STATIONS CONTRIBUTION: CRIMES DEPENDENT ON POLICE ACTION. Top 20 Stations. (65.75%) STATION % CONTRIBUTION Rustenburg8.08% Tlhabane7.21% Ikageng6.61% Klerksdorp4.94% Potchefstroom4.05% Kanana3.94% Boitekong3.77% Brits2.82% Mothotlung2.56% Phokeng2.42% STATION % CONTRIBUTION Mmabatho2.34% Orkney2.27% Taung2.07% Klipgat2.0% Khuma1.93% Makapastad1.93% Letlhabile1.87% Zeerust1.83% Mogwase1.69% Marikana1.37%
STRATEGIES & INTERVENTIONS SUPPORT FOCUS CRIME PREVENTIONCRIME INVESTIGATION Resourcing of Identified stations optimally Sustainable uniform policing Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration Approach Business Against Crime Partnership Improvement of Infra-structureTraining of Personnel Monitoring of effective resource utilizationIntelligence generationCommunication Strategy High density disruptive operationsSector policingSupplementary deployment of additional resources to address identified crime trendsCluster Operational centers for local monitoringSocial Crime Prevention activitiesCompliance with regulatory framework wrt: Liquor & Firearms Rural Safety Operational Plans Immediate arrest of known wanted suspectsIndividual docket management systemEnhance case flow management with DOJImprove data integrityImprove detective skillsImproved resourcing12 point turnaround strategy Recognition of Performance Establishment of Detective service centers Operational support by LCRC to operational units Anti-corruption focus TRATEGY Long term plan of action to ensure the organization achieve its goals S
STRATEGIES & INTERVENTIONS (2) CRIME PREVENTION Daily monitoring of crime through Station Crime Combating forums CRIME PREVENTION Data Integrity Project:CAS: Correct Registration of Crime, Administration of Complaints, Docket Management, CAS Audit (Performance Chart)OPAM: Correct Registration of Operations, Updating of successesAVL: Monitoring of vehicles during operations and Monitoring of vehicles during the attendance of complaints Weekly accounting at cluster level for performanceDaily monitoring and intervention at Provincial Level of 82 stations & weekly accounting for non compliance by station / cluster commandersMonthly Cluster Commanders Conference Quarterly Station Commanders Conference Weekly Resource Review of Provincial Status (vehicles/personnel) TRATEGY Long term plan of action to ensure the organization achieve its goals S
STRATEGIES & INTERVENTIONS (3) 12 – POINT TURN AROUND STRATEGY PLAN FOR DETECTIVES Establishment of Detective Service Centre.Management and control of dockets by regular docket inspections 12 – POINT TURN AROUND STRATEGY PLAN FOR DETECTIVES Obtaining of quality witness and warning statements.Ensure arrest of identified suspects.To increase court ready dockets and conviction rate (mainly dockets at court).Professional corporate image of the Detective Services (incl. morale & motivation) Ensure proper management and administration of SAPS 13 (Exhibits).Management of informers. Partnership with internal and external role players.Eradication of Corruption.Feedback mechanism (Victims of crime). Management of missing and wanted persons. TRATEGY Long term plan of action to ensure the organization achieve its goals S
STRATEGIES & INTERVENTIONS (4) DETECTIVE SERVICES Capacitating of General Detectives & Specialized Units (Stock Theft Units, Family Child and Sexual Offences Units) Detective Audit Project: - S TRATEGY Long term plan of action to ensure the organization achieve its goals
USTAINABLE Ensure the ability to continuously deliver our core business by ensuring capacity at the lowest level Implementation of Tracker Team Tactical Response Team (TRT) Establishment of Cluster Operational Coordination Centre (War Room) Intra Coordinated Crime Prevention Operations involving Support Components. Capacitating of Members through Training Establishment of additional Service points (Satellite Police Stations, Contact Point, Mobile Contact Points) Improving integrated services by means of Multi-Purpose Centers Coordination of Crime Detection and Investigation by Detective Commander’s Conference. Deployment of Senior Management from Provincial Level to oversee local disruptive operations Mentorship Program for struggling Station Commanders SUSTENANCE OF STRATEGIES (2) S
FACTORS INHIBITING PERFORMANCE OPERATIONAL CHALLENGES North West Province does not have its own Liquor legislation Unregulated Initiation Schools Stock Theft operations hindered by no provincial poundThe sporadic Service Delivery protests caused by non-policeable factorsViolent Labour disputes in Mining Sector Robberies of Foreign Owned Businesses in informal sectorThe vast borderline with Botswana and its fencing problems
CONCLUSION S USTAINABLE Ensure the ability to continuously deliver our core business by ensuring capacity at the lowest level A sustainable fight against crime can only be achieved through cooperation with partners and stakeholders, and it is one of the aspects where there is improvement. The release of 2010/2011 crime statistics has shown that we still have a challenge in contacts crimes particularly sexual related offences. Equally, we have also recorded reasonable decrease in certain crime categories such as Assault cases and Robbery aggravating which is inclusive of Trio crimes. The decrease came as a result of commitment and dedication of members as well as the community who came up with information that frequently turned to be positive and yielded results, thus strengthening trust and partnership. We have also achieved considerably in terms of capacitating our members to ensure that they are psychologically and physically ready for daily work related challenges. Thank you