Initial Mission Architecture Trade Space Fission Based Nuclear Power and Propulsion –Technologies – NTR, Bimodal NTR, NEP, Hybrids, etc. –Trajectories – Gravity assists, spiral, minimum energy, and any combination thereof –Mission – pre-deployment of Callisto assets if desired, maximize commonality and reusability if possible Plasma Propulsion –Technologies – Fission reactors coupled with VASIMR plasma propulsion, M2P2, etc. –Trajectories – Gravity assists, spiral, and any combination thereof. –Mission – pre-deployment of Callisto assets if desired, maximize commonality and reusability if possible, cycler option? Revolutionary Propulsion –Technologies – Fusion propulsion and Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) power conversion –Fusion: short trip time; all assets on single vehicle –MSR/LMR/MPD and Solid/MHD/MPD: Long trip time; split mission configuration 1
Power & Propulsion Technologies Focus – Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF) propulsion with auxiliary fission power system for hotel loads. Advanced technologies for fission propulsion are also considered as alternates. Heritage – Combination of inertial and magnetic confinement fusion techniques. Precursor experiments conducted by several DOE labs (Sandia, LaNL). Rationale – MTF propulsion offers the promise of direct single-vehicle round trip flights with short trip times and high payloads to the outer solar system. Direct drive propulsion offers higher efficiency than electric conversion systems. 2
MTF to Callisto Architectural Features -- Top Level Overview -- Spacecraft assembly and departure from Earth-Moon L1 station. Propellant tanks are launched full from Earth. Mission profile involves single piloted vehicle. The vehicle has artificial gravity capability used during non-thrusting segments. Vehicle uses MTF system for propulsion and SP-100 reactor with 4p shield for “hotel” power. D-D and D-He3 powered vehicles are considered. 30-day and 180-day stay times are considered. Vehicle payload includes TransHab, Surface Lab, ISRU plant and lander Other options considered is MSR-LMR-MPD and Solid-MHD-MPD split mission profiles 3
Projected performance –Specific power: 10 kW/kg to 100 kW/kg –Specific impulse: 50,000 s to 100,000 s Maturity/Feasibility –TRL: 1-2 (Physics principles demonstrated in Sandia - experiment; target formation demonstrated, theoretical foundation established by Kirkpatrick, Thio, etc.) –Experiments in progress: (1) LANL MTF experiment funded by DOE at Concept Exploration level. (2) MTF plasma liner experiment at MSFC. –Planned experiments: (1) Demonstration of fusion Q > 1 for electrical power by LANL by (2) Demonstration of fusion Q > 1 for propulsion by MSFC by 2012 (TRL-3). Operability –Fuel: D (1st-gen). D + He3 (2nd-gen) –Ability to Throttle: Power: continuously variable from 0 to max by varying pulse rate –Isp: continuously variable from 5000 s to max by mixing inert propellant (e.g. H, Li) with fusion plasma –By-products: He4; neutrons –Radiation: electromagnetic waves; neutrons (may be moderated by fusion plasma and shielded) Plasma jets are used to compress an FRC to produce fusion reactions. The fusion plasma pushes against current carrying coils to produce thrust. Magnetized Target Fusion Propulsion System Technical Characteristics 4
Physics Issues Compression dynamics of target and liner immediately preceding fusion. Currently at a high level computational model level. Detailed computational model results pending. Neutron attenuation by plasma liner at computational model level. Conservative estimate used for this study. Demonstration of predicted fusion gain of ~50. Technology Issues Development of plasma guns with the required timing precision (~ 10’s ns) and capable of delivering the required momentum flux (a few milligrams to approximately 250 km/s). Development of high-energy-density capacitors or other energy storage devices with matching impedance and required lifetime. Manufacturing of high current density super-conducting cables. Advanced composites needed to endure propulsive and space environment. Advanced composite neutron shields (filters) needed to moderate neutrons to appropriate energies. Capacitors, switches, conductors, and power electronics capable of withstanding high neutron flux. Engineering Issues High pointing accuracy for plasma guns in harsh thermal and radiation environment with high transient structural loads. Active refrigeration for “zero boil-off” cryogenic propellant storage system substantially larger than existing technology. Radiator areal densities are projected near/mid term technologies compensated for high temperature. Artificial gravity generation at g a = 0.25g E levels by vehicle rotation at ~ 1.3 rpm for a rotation radius of ~70 m. All systems experience high rep rate cyclic thermal and structural loads. Components will have to operate in both micro and low gravity environments, depending on the mission phase. Physics / Technology / Engineering Issues for the MTF Propulsion System 5
D-D MTF mission with 32-day surface stay Total Mission Duration ~ 654 days Outbound Leg Departs 4/22/2045, ~331 day flight to Callisto Time in Callisto Orbit ~ 33 days Total time thrusting ~ 258 days Returns without Surface Habitat, ISRU, and Transport (120 mt total) Isp = 70,400 sec Jet Power = GW Propulsion System Specific Mass = kg/kW Initial Acceleration = g’s Final Acceleration = g’s TimeMass (days)(mT) Depart L1 Station0650 Thrust off51630 Thrust on Arrive Callisto Orbit Depart Callisto Orbit Thrust off Thrust on Arrive L1 Station
Mass Properties Breakout Component (in kg)Vehicle Payload163,933 Structural26,610 RCS12,946 Thermal51,391 Power17,370 Propulsion116,021 Mass Margin (30%)116,481 Total Dry Mass504,753 Main Propellant (+5%)106,000 RCS Propellant (+5%)34,063 IML1644,816 Closure Difference0.8% 7
Supporting Infrastructure Requirements for the MTF Propulsion Mission ETO Requirements: Payload vol. of 5.0 m (dia.) x 19.1 m long has been examined thus far with all payload elements ≤ 40 metric tons (t). LEO Facilities: Rendezvous of ETO package by OTV only. LEO-to-L1 Transportation: - Assumed OTV “fleet” will be needed to transport various vehicle components from the LEO to L1. L1 Facilities: - Habitation, electrical power, propellant storage & transfer, assembly and portable radiation shielding. - Payload attachment to MTF vehicle. - Robotic vehicle inspection and repair. - “Orbital tug” to maneuver vehicle away from L1 station before activating high neutron production propulsion systems. Lunar Facilities: (Supporting He3 production only - not required for baseline option) - Regolith mining of He3 propellant - Continuous, multi-MW e power (solar or nuclear) - Reusable lunar ascent/descent vehicles for propellant transport to and from LLO - OTV’s can also be used for L1 – LLO transportation. 8
D-D MTF, 32 day stay option SIDE VIEW 119 m 45 m 3 m 9
ParameterValue Total Dry Mass510mT Total Prop Mass140mT IML1650mT Total Mission Time654days Micro-g exposure258days Callisto exposure33days Artificial-g (.25g E ) exposure263days ISRU propellant required?No MTF Propulsion Mission to Callisto Basic Figures of Merit 10
MTF D-D 30-Day Vehicle Concept Surface Habitat Lander Transhab ISRU Two-Sided Crew/Avionics Radiators (150 m2 total area) Tripod RCS 500 lbf LOX/LH2 Thrusters (4 plcs) Tripod RCS 25 lbf LH2 Thrusters (4 plcs) Tripod RCS 25 lbf LH2 Thrusters (4 plcs) Tripod RCS 500 lbf LOX/LH2 Thrusters (4 plcs) RCS LH2 Tank (3.4 m dia.) (7 plcs) RCS LOX Tank (2.7 m dia.) (4 plcs) LH2 Tank (8.3 m long x 5.0 m dia.) (6 plcs) Two-Sided Med. Temp. Radiators ( m2 total area) Two-Sided High Temp. Radiators ( m2 total area) MTF Engine Radiation Shield H2O Tank (5.5 m long x 2.3 m dia.) SMES Envelope (1.8 m x 1.8 m x 2.4 m) SP-100 Reactor Deuterium-Tritium Tanks (1.7 m dia.) (4 plcs) 11
Manifest TransHab 6 Person Crew Small Lander, ISRU, Science Lab LOX/LH2 6 DOF RCS 5% margin Crew/ECLSS Radiators (150 m 2 ) 800K Radiators ( m 2 ) 1250K Radiators ( m 2 ) 13 LH2 Tanks (5.0 m x 16.4 m) 5% margin SP-100 Reactor (375 kWe) 30% Inert Mass Margin Propulsion D-D MTF Isp = 70,400 sec = kg/kW Initial Acc = g’s Final Acc = g’s Jet Power = GW Vehicle Summary IML1 650 mT L1 Arrival 430 mT Length148 m Width82 m Mission Summary Outbound Leg331 day Surface Stay33 day Inbound Leg258 day Total Mission Time654 day MTF to Callisto Mission Summary 12
D-D MTF mission with 180-day surface stay Total Mission Duration ~ 652 days Outbound Leg Departs 4/26/2045, ~249 day flight to Callisto Time in Callisto Orbit ~ 183 days Total time thrusting ~ 212 days Returns without Surface Habitat, ISRU, and Transport (120 mt total) Isp = 70,400 sec Jet Power = GW Propulsion System Specific Mass = kg/kW Initial Acceleration = g’s Final Acceleration = g’s TimeMass (days)(mT) Depart L1 Station0750 Thrust off45717 Thrust on Arrive Callisto Orbit Depart Callisto Orbit Thrust off Thrust on Arrive L1 Station
D-D 180 Day Stay Mass Properties Breakout Component (in kg)Vehicle Payload163,933 Structural34,785 RCS12,989 Thermal76,864 Power17,370 Propulsion121,333 Mass Margin (30%)128,182 Total Dry Mass555,457 Main Propellant (+5%)165,000 RCS Propellant (+5%)35,348 IML1755,805 Closure Difference0.8% 14
MTF D-D 180-Day Stay Vehicle Concept 135 m 82 m 3 m 15
ParameterValue Total Dry Mass550mT Total Prop Mass200mT IML1750mT Total Mission Time652days Micro-g exposure212days Callisto exposure183days Artificial-g (.25g E ) exposure257days ISRU propellant required?No MTF Propulsion Mission to Callisto D-D 180 Day Basic Figures of Merit 16
MTF D-D 180-Day Stay Vehicle Concept LH2 Tank (8.3 m long x 5.0 m dia.) (9 plcs) Two-Sided Med. Temp. Radiators ( m2 total area) Two-Sided High Temp. Radiators ( m2 total area) Deuterium-Tritium Tank (1.9 m dia.) (4 plcs) (Red Notations Indicate Deltas from the MTF D-D 30-Day Stay Baseline Vehicle Concept) Deuterium Tank (64.4 m3) 17
MTF D-D 180-Day Stay Vehicle Concept Manifest TransHab 6 Person Crew Small Lander, ISRU, Science Lab LOX/LH2 6 DOF RCS 5% margin Crew/ECLSS Radiators (150 m 2 ) 800K Radiators ( m 2 ) 1250K Radiators ( m 2 ) 9 LH2 Tanks (5.0 m dia x 8.3 m) 5% margin SP-100 Reactor (375 kWe) 30% Inert Mass Margin Propulsion D-D MTF Isp = 70,400 sec = kg/kW Initial Acc = g’s Final Acc = g’s Jet Power = GW Vehicle Summary IML1 750 mT L1 Arrival 473 mT Length135 m Width45 m Mission Summary Outbound Leg249 day Surface Stay183 day Inbound Leg220 day Total Mission Time652 day 18
D-He 3 MTF mission with 180-day surface stay Total Mission Duration ~ 652 days Outbound Leg Departs 4/27/2045, ~249 day flight to Callisto Time in Callisto Orbit ~ 183 days Total time thrusting ~ 215 days Returns without Surface Habitat, ISRU, and Transport (120 mt total) Isp = 77,000 sec Jet Power = GW Propulsion System Specific Mass = kg/kW Initial Acceleration = g’s Final Acceleration = g’s TimeMass (days)(mT) Depart L1 Station0700 Thrust off46671 Thrust on Arrive Callisto Orbit Depart Callisto Orbit Thrust off Thrust on Arrive L1 Station
D-He3 180 Day Stay Mass Properties Breakout Component (in kg)Vehicle Payload163,933 Structural32,060 RCS12,976 Thermal51,306 Power17,370 Propulsion118,400 Mass Margin (30%)118,814 Total Dry Mass514,859 Main Propellant (+5%)142,000 RCS Propellant (+5%)34,676 IML1691,535 Closure Difference1.2% 20
MTF D-He3 180-Day Stay Vehicle Concept 135 m 45 m 3 m 21
ParameterValue Total Dry Mass514mT Total Prop Mass177mT IML1691mT Total Mission Time652days Micro-g exposure212days Callisto exposure183days Artificial-g (.25g E ) exposure257days ISRU propellant required?No MTF Propulsion Mission to Callisto D-He3 180 Day Basic Figures of Merit 22
MTF D-He3 180-Day Stay Vehicle Concept LH2 Tank (8.3 m long x 5.0 m dia.) (8 plcs) Two-Sided Med. Temp. Radiators ( m2 total area) Two-Sided High Temp. Radiators ( m2 total area) Deuterium-Tritium Tank (1.8 m dia.) (4 plcs) Deuterium-He3 Tank (289 m3) (Red Notations Indicate Deltas from the MTF D-D 30-Day Stay Baseline Vehicle Concept) 23
MTF D-He3 180-Day Stay Vehicle Concept Manifest TransHab 6 Person Crew Small Lander, ISRU, Science Lab LOX/LH2 6 DOF RCS 5% margin Crew/ECLSS Radiators (150 m 2 ) 800K Radiators ( m 2 ) 1250K Radiators ( m 2 ) 8 LH2 Tanks (5.0 m dia x 8.3 m) 5% margin SP-100 Reactor (375 kWe) 30% Inert Mass Margin Propulsion D-He3 MTF Isp = 77,000 sec = kg/kW Initial Acc = g’s Final Acc = g’s Jet Power = GW Vehicle Summary IML1 700 mT L1 Arrival 445 mT Length135 m Width45 m Mission Summary Outbound Leg249 day Surface Stay183 day Inbound Leg220 day Total Mission Time652 day 24