NYAS Workshop - Advocacy: a stronger, louder voice NCCTC Conference – Hayes Conference Centre 2 nd July 2013
Welcome and Introductions Dionne Harris – NYAS Senior Advocate Rachel Peacock – NYAS Business Development Manager Wendy Collins – St Helens Council Commissioning Manager
Workshop Aims We will consider the benefits of advocacy for: Looked after children and young people and Care leavers Placement planning/placement stability Children in need Children making a complaint Children’s Statutory Reviews, Child Protection Conference Reviews and Core Group meetings, Family Group Conferences
A stronger, louder voice There are a range of advocacy options for children and young people: Issue-based Advocacy Non-instructed Advocacy Peer Advocacy Group Advocacy Consultation through CiCC’s Independent Mental Health Advocacy Residential Visiting Advocacy
Groupwork Task You have ten minutes to work together to build a Lego helicopter model. You will not be given the instructions but you can use the box on your table as a guide. There will be a prize for the best model.
Learning Points The purpose of the task was to identify how well you communicate effectively with each other. The Lego was used to symbolise a Child’s care plan – the professionals fit together to create the care plan – Where is the young person? Are they the missing part?
Case Study One A young person aged eleven with a diagnosis of Autism and Sensory Processing Difficulties Disorder has had three accidental injuries in school requiring hospital treatment over the last eighteen months. At his annual review of Statement of Educational Needs, the parents of the young person requested that he is supervised two to one during vulnerable times in school, including break times, lunch times and during school outings. The Head teacher of the school stated that he would not increase the support for this young person in school as they were able to manage within current resources to ensure the young person’s safety. The LA did not amend the statement as they were guided by the Head teacher in terms of what amendments to make within the young person’s statement.
Wishes and Feelings Exercise Each table will consider the wishes and feelings of one of the following people in this case study: Young Person Parents Head Teacher Local Authority
The role of the advocate in this Case Study Used a children’s rights perspective to outline to Social Worker, Head Teacher and SEN Statementing Officer that young person had a right to be safe in a school environment. Sought specialist advice from Department for Education Submitted a request for a Statement of Educational Needs Tribunal. Attended the SEN Tribunal and put forward how an increase in staffing to supervise the young person during vulnerable times could reduce the risk of further accidental injuries requiring hospital treatment. The SEN Tribunal were in agreement that the young person’s Statement of Educational Needs should be amended to include the addition of two to one staffing during vulnerable times.
Case Study Two A brother and sister aged nine and ten have been matched long- term with their foster carers. A suitable adoption family has been identified for their younger brother and sister aged one and five. These adoptive parents have stated that they will not allow any face to face contact between the siblings and they have only agreed to letterbox contact once per year. The older siblings have asked to seek legal advise about wanting to have face to face contact with their brother and sister. The Social Worker from the adoption team for the youngest two children is concerned that any legal action would jeopardise the whole adoption of the younger siblings.
Wishes and Feelings Exercise Each table will consider the wishes and feelings of one of the following: Two youngest siblings placed for adoption Two eldest siblings placed in long term foster care Adoption Social Worker Two eldest siblings Social Worker Children’s Panel Solicitor
The role of an advocate in this case study To put forward the wishes and feelings of the eldest two siblings. Ensure that their voice is heard clearly to all professionals involved in their care plan. Seek Legal Advice on their behalf. Report back to young people the advice from a Children’s Panel Solicitor. Young Person’s Voice at the end of this process “at least when we get older we can say that we tried to see them”.
National Advocacy Helpline Recent announcement from Edward Timpson, MP: “The Government will, from April 2013, support both the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) and Voice to provide an advocacy advice service for looked-after children and care leavers.” NYAS VOICE