UK e-Health Week-20 April 2016 Child Protection – Information Sharing (CP-IS) Val Nugent SRO CP-IS NHS England Cathy Sheehan Clinical Lead CP-IS NHS England.


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Presentation transcript:

UK e-Health Week-20 April 2016 Child Protection – Information Sharing (CP-IS) Val Nugent SRO CP-IS NHS England Cathy Sheehan Clinical Lead CP-IS NHS England

Children’s statistics 11.5m children in England under 18 (ONS 2014) Nearly 120,000 children have a child protection plan (CPP), pre-birth CPP or are looked after (2014) Health staff are potentially well-placed to detect where children may be being abused, harmed or neglected. Of 18m attendances in ED around 21% are <19 years ( ) Inability to share information is identified as a contributory factor in 60% of serious case reviews. 2

The Need: The Protection of Children in England: A Progress Report (Lord Lamming, March 2009) Recommendation 12 “The Department for Children, Schools and Families and Department of Health must strengthen current guidance and put in place systems and training so that staff in Accident and Emergency Departments are able to tell if a child has recently presented at any A & E department and if a child is subject of a child protection plan” Focus on the child! 3

Legal Context CP-IS builds on Local Authority and NHS Trust’s existing work to safeguard children and meet legal requirements: Children Act (1989/2004) Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government, 2015) Safeguarding Vulnerable People in the NHS- Accountability and Assurance Framework (NHS England, June 2015) Information Sharing Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers (HM Government, March 2015) 4

CP-IS: A national system A national system that connects local authorities’ child social care IT systems with those used by NHS unscheduled care settings (e.g. ED) in England, to provide better care and earlier intervention for children who are considered ‘vulnerable and at risk’ 5 NHS attendance Home local authority CP-IS data flow

Linking health and social care … NHS Trusts can see if a child has a child protection plan (CPP), looked after status, or is the mother of a child with a CPP, and how often they have attended for emergency treatment anywhere in England Local authorities have a clear picture of the number and frequency of a child’s unscheduled NHS attendances across the whole of England. 6

Connecting health and social care 7

Benefits for children 8 Early detection: CP-IS improves the assessment of 120,000 vulnerable or at risk children in England and enables earlier intervention to prevent ongoing abuse or neglect. Closes the information gap: CP-IS builds a picture of a child’s attendance at unscheduled care settings across their local and regional boundaries. Reducing the risks & breaking the cycle: a CP-IS alert with relevant information and contact details to care teams and clinicians to promote working together to focus on the needs of the child and prevent further abuse or harm. Enabling conversations! Better use of resource: less time is spent searching for and providing information, freeing up resources to apply elsewhere.

9 Social care Child protection information entered into social service IT systems is automatically submitted to and held securely on the NHS Spine. Health If a child visits unscheduled care, medical staff will see a CP-IS alert flag on their screen if a child they is subject to a CPP, is a looked after child, or an unborn child with a CPP. Social care The local authority receives an alert the same day letting them know the child’s record has been accessed and the name of the healthcare worker and organisation that accessed it. Health When they click on the CP-IS tab, they can view when and where a child has been seen previously and contact details of the local authority looking after the child. to build a complete picture.

How CP-IS works – Information Flow 10 1.Local Authority record CPP/LAC/UCPP information locally within Social Care system including NHS Number 2.CPP/LAC/UCPP information is automatically submitted to CP-IS Children’s services system CP-IS Clinical System Access History Uploads Query Query response Social worker Healthcare worker 3. NHS user searches child details in clinical system 4. NHS system queries CP-IS and notifies user of CP-IS record for the child 5. Access History Notification is created when NHS user accesses CP-IS information and this triggers a message back to the Local Authority system

11 Local Authority System Example Each local authority system will look different. The way the information is added / displayed will also differ (this is an example from Calderdale Council CASS children’s system). In this example the child’s details have already been added to the system, the file has been uploaded to the CP-IS database and an acknowledgement message has been returned and displayed to the local authority.

Summary Care Record Application Example When a child presents to an unscheduled care setting e.g. ED the NHS worker will use their Smartcard and perform a search for the child on the Summary Care Record application (SCRa) If the child has a CPP or LAC record, the child care alert tab will be visible, which when clicked upon will display the CP-IS information for that child as entered and uploaded by the local authority (as shown here). In addition previous views of the Child Protection Information are logged and displayed to the current viewer (please refer to next slide for an unrelated example) 12


14 Up to the last 25 previous views of the child’s CP-IS information is listed here

CP IS where we are so far: April , 054 children’s plans on CP-IS 24 Local Authorities live 16 NHS Trusts live (across 52 sites) 15

Current position – LA, NHS & Number of Children’s Plans 16

How we can help Local Authority and NHS Implement CP-IS Named point of contact: regional implementation manager and support Guidance and toolkits: project planning templates; checklists and toolkits Virtual and on-site task force: practical virtual and physical support in your trust. 17

Implementing CP-IS 18 Stakeholder engagement  Commitment from senior team and Letter of Agreement  Alignment with local authorities, LSCB, CCGs Technical integration  Review (N3) connection with the Spine  Consider options for integrating and accessing CP-IS  Discuss timeline and support with system suppliers Business change  Review business processes in view of CP-IS  Identify people - who will access, where  Consider training needs (how to access and act on information)  Plans reviewed with Information Governance leads  Go live date, testing and assurance and business continuity plans Measuring and reporting  Baseline audits and reporting of benefits

Find out more and get in touch - Health and Social Care Information Centre or call on with a question, to join regional CP-IS Stakeholder Engagement Group meetings -Visit the website: -NHS England contact details 19

Anne 20

CP-IS and Safe Information Sharing “When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments, tenderness for what he is and respect for what he may become.” Louis Pasteur Thank you for listening-Any Questions? 21