Children’s Time
Children’s Time is Agape’s latest Health Promotion Project It was piloted in by Agape For Children’s Time is funded by Health Canada through the CHSSN Desjardins Caisse de Chomedey has also given financial support for the program.
Agape provides a variety of services and has become the first point of access for social services in English. Laval Demographics Laval’s English speaking population now comprises nearly 21% (20.6%) of the total population of Laval, which numbers 397,565 as of (Source: JPocock Research Consulting, based on data from the 2011National Survey and the 2011 Census of Canada, statistics Canada) In the period from 1996 to 2011, Laval’s English-speaking population grew from 50,713 to 82,078 individuals. The growth of 31,365 English-speaking individuals represents an overall increase of 61.8%. (Source: Socio-Demographic Profile of the English Speaking Community of RSS Laval – Dr. Johanne Pocock for the CHSSN)
This project targets children 4 to 12 years old (and their families) who are experiencing difficult situations such as divorce, family illness, substance abuse, spousal abuse, bullying, immigration, death in the family, etc. Sudden changes and situations may cause stress, anxiety, aggressiveness and depression for children. Unfortunately, the majority of these families are single mothers.
Children gather to have dinner in Agape’s daycare. After dinner, children engage in fun activities such as baking, arts and crafts, games and sports. On Thursday evenings, mothers can enjoy dinner and participate in a support group at Agape, right next door to the daycare.
Our goal is to motivate these mothers and their children, reducing anxiety, stress and depression, all while creating greater self-esteem. Children (and their families) will break their isolation. Self-esteem will improve for the child and eventually for his/her parent(s). Agape and the Agape NPI will provide channels to access resources, especially in the public health and social service institution of Laval for curative services. The above protective factors will create a sense of well-being and curb the necessity for curative health and social services. In addition, with much restructuring within the public systems, we would like new relationships to form and strengthen existing ones to create support networks between English primary schools (SWLSB), the CISSS Laval and Agape.
Referrals Directly from Agape and the clientele it is serving, Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board - Laval Elementary Schools, Centre de Pediatrie Sociale Laval, Centre intégré de santé et services sociaux de Laval (CISSS Laval), Centre Jeunesse de Laval
In addition, with the cooperation of the CISSS Laval, we are working towards having health professionals support some of the group sessions and in more complex situations, Agape’s social worker can evaluate and refer the family to the proper institution. Agape Social Worker Ian Williams
“If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” - Sam Walton
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